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Posts posted by roosterbrew
  1. Hello everyone, thought i should tell you all about my little accident on my 2010 sherco!........last sunday was out playing for a good couple of hours all on my own, when i decided to try a mean vert climb before i went home! this climb is prob about 20 ft from top to bottom with tree roots, i have problems trying to climb it myself!. Anyway long story short.......got all way up to top and i felt a flip coming on, so i jumped clear (although i got clear out of way i was rolling down the hill and didnt stop) only to hear the bike crunching down the hill after me and when she stopped falling the engine was screaming flat out upside down! i tried to get up but was having trouble getting to her quickly enough...........and then she died on me before i got to her! the result was a seazed ring into piston. GUTTED!. Anyone else trashed there 2010 yet?

  2. YES....i picked my 2010 Sherco 250 up yesterday, after looking at it all night long, i was out on it this morning, kind of running her in!, spent about 2 hours non stop, and what a little gem it is, i am glad i waited and got the sherco, I am very happy now.....

  3. 1st Class........Outstanding.......Loved it!.......Good show,

    Take my hat off to the organisers, Observers, and Riders! Even Tony serving up some Top nosh on the burger van,

    Took my Son, it was his first experience watching Trials and he loved it, so much so it's time to sell his crosser and buy a proper bike for him!! Keep up the good work guys and gals........Oh and Mr Jarvis.....(Mr cool!) Well done. :(

  4. :banana2: Does anyone remember watching this on grandstand ( I think it was ) I had only been riding a couple of years and had never seen owt like it , remember thinking how the hell do you get up something that big, steep and incredibly slippy. This was my first introduction to world trials and have been hooked ever since its a pitty normal tv doesnt acknolege our sport yet they will pay millions for coverage of moto gp etc, ok moan over. :thumbup:

    I remember it being on a sports program, not sure which, in fact i didnt see it for myself!!! My Dad happened to mention it to me cus he knew that i had been to watch the event ................This reminded me of this guy who was also at the event AND is probably the REASON why TV crews dont want to film at trials events!!!!....................

    Cut to the chase..............I was crouching on a dodgy rock edge waiting to see the world champ do this crazy rock section which had the biggest flat rock face step up thingy .......anyway....i'm watching this guy climb down through the crowd barging through (like he's king snake) and eventually sits down in front of everyone!!... Then the TV crew arrived at the section and set up the camera and stuff (about 3 guys) in front of king snake and his monkey.........After a few mins i heard this shouting going off......as i looked i saw King snake guy pick up a stone and lobbed it straight at the camera and hitting the crew he did this about 3-4 times hurling abuse at these guys who were clearly ****ting themselves while ducking from these flying rocks! He screamed for them to basically go or he will beat them all up!!!.......That TV crew got up and legged it! and as they left i remember one of the crew turing around and said basically thats it and they are f**king off because of that cock king snake!!!..................So i'm trying to say is that it was on TV the first of its kind seen on National TV, But king snake F**ked it up for us all that day!!! Wow do i feel better now thats all out!!!

  5. Hi, yhis is my first post as you can prob already see that! anyway hello all..............

    The other day i somehow managed to crack my front caliper through the middle into 2 peices!! qustion is.......Is there an uprade for the bike? i could also do with a disc,Can anyone point me to a supplier for a 4 pot conversion or just the standard, even second hand? please help me......... <_<

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