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Posts posted by steveo
  1. A female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going

    to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, every day, for a long, long


    So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there

    he was, walking slowly up to the holy site.


    watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, using

    a cane and moving very slowly, she approached him for an


    Pardon me, sir, I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. What's your


    Morris Fishbein, he replied.

    Sir, how long have you been coming

    to the Western Wall and praying?

    For about 60 years

    60 years! That's

    amazing! What do you pray for?

    I pray for peace between the Christians,

    Jews and the Muslims.

    I pray for all the wars and all the hatred to stop.

    I pray for all our children to grow up safely as responsible adults, and

    to love their fellow man.

    How do you feel after doing this for 60


    Like I'm talking to a f8cking brick wall!"

  2. Paulmacs assessment of his new bike is a well set out honest description of its performance to him. A clubbie riders opinion should sit well with the vast majority of riders who are genuinely interested in this new machine. Such a thorough run down by an experienced long time rider who has always been a helpful contributor both here at TC and Trials Australia should not be given such a razz by ND. His friendship with Paul Arnett would have no bearing either way on what he has taken the time to submit to our forum. Its a shame some members have a habit of inferring most people are either dills or suck ups without knowing the submitter, in this case he is way off the mark to questions Paul's honesty.

  3. Had a 10 minute ride on a 250 and was quite impressed. These are a couple of observations. It felt very nice but being pretty much brand new all bikes feel good. Most noticable was the on / off clutch engagement, wasnt bad but very snatchy with nowhere near the feel compared to my 250 Gasser. The power was tame compared to my 250 as I was expecting it to be a bit more aggressive with the 28ml OKO flatslide, I must add I only rode it at low revs popping around. It was just as responsive in the suspension department to a Sherco 125 I had ridden just the day before and quite easily hopped the bike around. They are thin on the ground over here in Australia as well, the few that have landed have been snapped up quickly. Definitely needs tarting up a bit in the cosmetics, look forward to another ride when it has been sorted.

  4. Well put Martin, but I must say what I find meaningless is the decision to ride group A.

    Look at the figures.

    2 laps of 15 sections with a 5 for every section by 3 of the 4 riders gives you a maximum 450 points that can be lost for the trial.

    USA finish on 330 points for an average of 3.66 marks lost / rider for every section, and that takes into account the worst ride being a non counter. In comparison Spain lost .27 of a point, thats one quarter of a point per section. Waste of time travelling all that way and step up from your nominated B group to attempt riding sections that are way beyond a teams skill level in my view.

  5. Like Woody, the WTC to me is another world. 99% of riders who compete can only watch and wonder at their prowess. Changing the game to no stop will not stop the same elite riders from winning. Removing the minders will certainly put back the responsibility on each rider and remove the ability to share the load. A minder really is outside assistance, whether that be mental stimulation during the event or section manicuring set to the riders liking, it should be the rider alone that assess and rides the course.

  6. You may not get many replys to all your contributions Mike, but I'm sure, like me, many members look forward to your thoughts on such a wide range of motorcycle related issues. Is not hard to see why youve been around as a scribe for so long with your personal motorcycling experience and being so conversant with pretty much all issues you raise. No matter were we live in the world, much of the nitty gritty you bring to this forum are faced by us all, and it is really great to hear the thoughts of like minded people on these points you raise. Thanks.

  7. Oh, Inever really deny it! Biff and I have a lot in common in many ways. Both in the car business! He is in the middle, I am at the end!

    Basic rules of plumbing apply here! ;)

    So you got a wrecker yard over there Mark, wouldn't see many of those good car Biff deals in, they seem to just go forever! ;)

  8. Had five new Scorpas SY 250s from when they were released till I changed to Gas Gas and all had the whine. The same can be heard in the 90s Yamaha TYZs that this motor was originally used in. Dont be to concerned, if you had been around to hear the whine of the Aprilla Trials bikes you wouldnt give yours a second thought. ;)

  9. new scorpa sy250 owner here...you;ll probably be hearing lots from me!

    first thing I was wondering about, is the howl comming from the transmission area...is this normal?

    You dont ride with ND do you?

  10. So exactly what did merrimen do in Trials?

    How many world championships did merrimen win?

    Taddy said (to me) the decision to give up on Trials was a financial one.

    Google him and see, there are other riders in the world that you may not be aware of that arn't Brits that had high achievements.

    Merriman may also have changed because of the lack of backing, best ask him !

    Merriman is spelt with a capital M, its called respect old mate.

  11. Stefan Merriman is to me without pier in his achievemebts on a Trials bike and in his crossover to be the most dominant World champion for so many years on enduro bikes. He had the foresight to change from a very little recognised and patronised motorcycle disipline where only a handful of riders are at the top end challenging level. He entered a catagary where millions of riders throught the world are regular participants and literaly blew the then current worlds best out of contention. I bet his satisfaction level with his achievements would be something very few people in any sport could hold so dearly.

    Whos to say Tadi could not have moved up the ranking if he stuck with Trials. His desision like Merrimans should be recognised as the right move as his achievements have shown.

    If anyone wants to be the best and beat the best they have to do what Merriman and Tadi has done and put all their efforts into their new disipline.

  12. Sorry Mark, yes they are #659. The Raga reed block is different to a non Raga. The petals thet I removed were not split, but a one piece type with the serated end as used in the ealier Gas Gas models. Was advised by Mike that even though they are different this was the right # for the machine.

    He was right, the difference is very obvious immediately..


  13. When a bike is the best, who cares what it costs. You can even find ways to personalise your Raga but no matter how much money you spend on a non Raga it will never be a RAGA.




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