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Everything posted by beejay62
  1. Remax get everywhere !!!!!!
  2. We did realize it was not correct but hope that this sort of feedback gets through to organizers somehow as it would allow for this situation to be stopped. It did spoil the end of trial a bit to see it happening. Despite the weather (it was only a wee bit wet, I've rode SSDT in real rain) I liked the venue. I misquoted in 1st msg. It was a spaniard on a sherco with Initials AC. This event was free to spectate, had food booths that were well priced. 5 euro got a large double hotdog + coke. How much is WTC iin Fort William ?
  3. Just back from an excellent weekend in Isola. Cracking scenary, sections and a fantastic drive to get there. As a trials rider over the past years (too many to state !) I've witnessed a few rider/observer disagreements but there was one strange situation on Sunday. On the second lap @ section 14, a certain italian riding sherco arrived and walking through the section and pointed out to the observer that a large rock had moved since the first lap and asked if he could move it back to its previous position. The observer looked at the rock and was kind enough to lift it (2 handed lift so quite a big one !) and re-position a couple of feet further back into the hole he wanted filled. Do the WTC riders have rules that allow this ? Also, there were 3 assistant observers, none of them disagreed with the main observer. This was right at the tail-end of the day and our British riders had been and gone riding it as it was ! This was a section that none of the WTC guys cleaned on Lap 1 and only 3-4 succeeded on the second lap (even Toni 5'd). Maybe I am missing something here and would be happy for someone to enlighten me to the rules that permit this. By the way I recall he did clean it.
  4. fao totalshell, fact - the Pre65 is run by volunteers who are not paid and who want to ensure that the event runs smoothly on the ground for riders, officials & spectators. This is at times can be hampered by the weather in the North of Scotland so it is a pressure situation for the organisers to support the event and again, I will state are volunteers. fact - the Pre65 is not sponsered in the same way as other large events it is not fair of you to criticise the lack or results being posted on these people. there are all busy providing a role/ the results will likely be posted on this site when Andy & his crew get the opportunity If having results is that improtant to you then you have 2 choices - 1) get up there yourself, spectate (FOC of course, no entrey fee for this !) and get them first hand or 2) be a volunteer & spend some of your time making this element of the event work for others. get a laptop, get up there, get online & post the info. I am sure if you were to make the offer of 'braodcasting' the results it could be welcomed by the organsiers as long as it does not impose on other volunteers who are making the event work. All too easy for those of us sitting in the house/at work to criticise ain't it ?!?!? Oh, & the SSDT replies on volenteers too !
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