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Steve Saunders - End Of An Era?


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At the finish of the Colmore yesterday, it was rumoured that today was the last national ride for Steve Saunders.

I for one hope that this is not the case and, if it is, I for one would like to thank Steve for all the entertainment he has given us since his adult debut at the Colmore in 1982.

Two events spring readily to mind to lay claim to his postion in trials folklore:

1 British Experts victory on the Rothmans Honda at Hawkstone Park where he paralized everyone and won by goodness knows how many marks

2 British world round at Peterfield, in the pouring rain, on the works Fantic. Nobody, but nobody can find grip like Steve, which was demonstated at todays Colmore in the last group.

If the rumour is a load of old b*ll*x, then I apologise now for spreading it.

Edited by mickmetcalfe
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I was really pleased to read in TMX that the stories were not strictly accurate, as I believe Steve still has a lot to offer the sport, such as teaching the youngsters who are now coming through.

I must say that, in a way, I regret posting this topic in the first place but at the time, it was sad that it seemed to be all over. After everything Steve has achieved, I thought something positive needed to be said, hence the references to two significant events.

Certainly, if I've caused any upsets to Steve, his family or friends, then I cant apologise enough as there was nothing malicious intended.

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