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European Travel


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Hi I'm just after some travel advice as we are going to Europe for 5-6 weeks in 07. We have been before to the major Cities [Paris, Rome, Vienna etc ] This time we would like to go to some smaller Cities/Villages in France, Switzerland and Germany. So is it easier to hire a car and drive or should we catch trains, buses or maybe internal airflights. Any advice will be appreciated Cheers

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I am just organizing an European Vacation next May and wanted to know the price per Litre of Diesel and Petrol in Italy, France and Spain as these are our major destinations.

We intend to get a car through Peugeot, Renault or Citreon.

I then use viaMichelin to check my routes etc.

To check rail fares visit Eurail but I think the car from the above options is much better.

My wife is keen on a camper from McRent but I don't know how these compare to other companies. If anyone has some experience with a camper hire operator in Europe I would glad of any suggestions.


PS If anyone can help with the current cost of fuel, that would be good.

No sooner than I asked the question about fuel prices I found the answer here.

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