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Marion ?


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So is anyone planning on heading for Marion this weekend? I have never been before. Looks to be hot with maybe some rain on Sunday. Can someone comment on the area we will be riding in? Do you know if we will ride the same sections Sat and Sun?


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As it turns out there is a Us Natc National this weekend in Dayton Ohio. So be prepared to get the die hard ahrma crowd. It is always an unfortunate thing when you have two trials landing on the same weekend within 4 hours from eachother.... what to do what to do. That is the kind of anxiety i can deal with. hahahahah :o keep yer feet on the pegs!


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After a long boring drive (sorry if you live in southern IL or IN) I arrived in Marion, IL. Little Egypt Off Road is a state owned reserve (800 + acres)dedicated to off road fun. Two days of Cross Country and Trials. Before I even start I have to say that throughout the entire weekend the volunteers were the most friendly, cheerful and helpful I have run into at any event. Had a chance to ride with several of the other competitors Friday afternoon, just looking over the area.

Sat morning was hot and dry. The Cross Country guys had it so dusty they sometimes couldn't see the rider ahead of them. Us Trials guys got off to a bit of a late start (2:30ish) had a real fun but tough group of sections. Very humid/still in the woods, we were all soaked by the end of the 1st round. To give you an idea of timing the awards got started at about six thirty.

Rained pretty hard Sat night. Rained some early, just before the start of the Cross Country - boy did they have a messy ride. By the time we got going it was just hot and humid. Woods still pretty wet with puddles and mud in most sections. Cross Country and Trials were both completely different courses for Sat and Sun. With the conditions the sections rode much tougher on Sun.

My 59 Bantam was the oldest bike to compete. Oh, and this had to be the only time when two Bantams competed in the same event. For those keeping score: At least in our classes it was BSA's three wins (Bruce was hurt the first day and didn't compete on Sunday) and Triumph none. For me: The Bantam ran great both days, started easily at every section (I sure can't say that for the rider).

I'm wuppped, it was a long drive home, and I'll see everyone at Mid-Ohio.


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Don't think Bruce was hurt bad, may have mostly been the heat. Bob and Jeff rode Sunday but I didn't get to ask them what had happened. We got started late again on Sunday and the weather looked real bad. I didn't stay for the awards and still hit heavy rain within 5 miles of Marion. I live in NC, long haul, but was a great weekend. Sat was probably the best riding I have ever done (which really isn't saying much), Sun I couldn't figure out which was the clutch and which was the brake.

Have already sent my money in for Mid-Ohio. Now if I can just get some practice in between now and then.


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Jeff Smith. I think he and Bob (Gindar - maybe spelled wrong) traded bikes for Sat/Sun. AHRMA events always take forever to post results so won't know how everyone did for at least a couple of weeks.

I don't know who is setting up the sections at Mid-Ohio, they haven't contacted Bob yet. I think Bob is still planning on doing a two day AHRMA and ITSA event in Dickerson later this summer (it's listed for the last weekend in Sept). I haven't joined ITSA yet but will shortly as I plan to do Greenville.


Edited by Alan_nc
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