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Beta Techno 99 250cc


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Place casing on a piece of wood with the main bearings facing down crank side down remove crank seal and gently tap bearings out using a brass drift being carefull not to damage casing! YOU can also use a press for removing them and refiting new ones! i would also get your conrod changed while your there as these wear the same as main bearings!

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Place casing on a piece of wood with the main bearings facing down crank side down remove crank seal and gently tap bearings out using a brass drift being carefull not to damage casing! YOU can also use a press for removing them and refiting new ones! i would also get your conrod changed while your there as these wear the same as main bearings!

thanks betarick Ihave the main bearings out the ones im haveing problems with i the kick start shaft and gear saft bearings which cant bb prest out as the caseing is on the other side. thanks again .any ideas

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Place casing on a piece of wood with the main bearings facing down crank side down remove crank seal and gently tap bearings out using a brass drift being carefull not to damage casing! YOU can also use a press for removing them and refiting new ones! i would also get your conrod changed while your there as these wear the same as main bearings!

thanks betarick Ihave the main bearings out the ones im haveing problems with i the kick start shaft and gear saft bearings which cant bb prest out as the caseing is on the other side. thanks again .any ideas

I have only changed main crank and gearbox bearings and selecter drum bearings i will have a look at a engine diagram and get back to you!

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