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Lincolnshire Poachers At Wickenby Airfield


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I am off to the Lincolnshire Poachers trial at Wickenby Airfield in the morning and just Googled "Wickenby" to check where it is when I came across this poignant reminder of our recent history. Now just described with a few statistics this airfield is lost in our memory but with Remembrance Sunday just around the corner it seems fitting to remember all those lost in war to give us the freedoms we now enjoy..

""300 wartime operations were flown from Wickenby with 160 Lancasters and 6 Wellingtons Lost. The memorial at Wickenby commemorates 1,080 aircrew who lost their lives flying from here.

From September 1942 to September 1945, "12 Squadron Bomber Command" with Wellingtons, converting to Lancasters winter 1942/43 flew from Wickenby.

From November 1943 to October 1945, 626 Sqn formed and eventually disbanded here.

From October 1945 to November 1945, 109 Sqn were stationed here with Mosquitos, then the Station was closed to flying. The airfield was then used for bomb storage until 1956 and is now used for private training.""

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Well done Westy,

We all tend to forget how much we owe to those heros that saved us from Hitlers tyranny.In its own way it is a tribute to those men that these old Arfields are open to a new generation of public for recreation of any kind. Thankfully the great mans (WC) words came to nothing and we did not plunge into a new Dark Age. Remember the 11th, it is important.

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It really sickens me when I see people on the 11th who just don't care. People who refuse to shut up for just one minute. Thankfully most round here have some respect.

Every year I play a Last Post whether I'm on my own or not - this year will be with the local Brass Band and they've asked me to 'do' a few of the many villages that they go to. Its not much but its better than nothing. I wish there was something more I could do but struggle to think of anything!

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Lincolnshire Poachers trial at Wickenby Airfield
remember all those lost in war to give us the freedoms we now enjoy..

try a visit to the yorkshire air musem, elvington, just out side york. it has a large display by the air gunners association ( i think thats thier title)

i chatted to the guys in there that had flown as air gunners during the war, that was a real eye opener for me.................

one sunday off riding a year to remember those who fell is the least i can do.

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