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Riding Common Land


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We have some great local woods, a good percentage of which is Common Land. Was thinking of heading up there at the weekend to do some practising.

Was wondering if anyone out there knows whether it's OK to ride on Common Land?

Cheers - Boner.

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Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is an offence to drive a motor vehicle on common land without lawful authority (usually from the landowner).

Pretty clear cut I'm afraid, and chances are if anyone contravened this law the result would be loads of bad publicity for motorcycling in the local neighbourhood, which wouldn't be helpful for local trials organisers etc.

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Thanks for that. Had a sneaky feeling that could be the case.

I know that local riders do use the land, and have done for years. Think it pi55es the locals off a bit too - which is never a great idea, because one of the local farmers opens his land up to a local club, which I wouldn't want to jeopardize.

Would I be right in thinking that the police would have the right to confiscate the bike as well?

Cheers - Matt.

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Yep, the police could take your bike if it's not road registered, taxed, insured .... Mot'd !

I'd keep away.

Send a letter to some of the local farms in the area, many are prepared to 'turn a blind eye' if

1) You dont take the pi$$, not to many of you, and stick to the area he wants you to.

2) Give him a good bottle of whiskey before you leave.

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