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Pre 65 - A Rant

slapshot 3

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Got home late last night, great few days weather was great apart from Sunday.


The Pre-65 was rather spoiled for me again by the muppets who think it's okay to take their bikes off road because they can't be a***d walking.

Friday Meall Na-Cruidhe not many but one or two bikes out on the moors thrashing around all over the place, I know there were a few press bikes but these folk need to be more obvious, yellow press bib?? As for the one I chased, wish I'd got the plate number, 315 mont if anyone's willing to own up.........

Saturday was a different story, you could barely move at the top of Mamore for bikes and som eof the Rambles were not chuffed either. The old fella who was observing Flooks couldn't find it so when I did, I stopped to make sure he got there okay. Couple of walkers stopped to ask what was going on, explained and they set off again. Met up at the top again and they said "you explained about the riders but what about the rest" at that stage their must have been 15 superfluous bikes at the top of Mamore.........we go through this every year....STAY AWAY.

If you are one of these clowns then shame on you! One of these years when you've sod all to do the first weekend in May because the P65 is stopped because the club can't get land let us know where you live so we can come and ride all over your garden......Still think snipping throttle cables is a viable option.......

Edited by Slapshot 3
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