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Week 75 - The Ideal Trial (or How To Upset Some Folks!)


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Last Wednesday evening about five pm I was stood on a hill overlooking the Lune Valley with the wind blowing a gale, showers drifting across the hills, wondering if anybody was going to turn up for a Lancs County evening trial.

It was the third round of our club

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I must admit, in the most part, I agree with you regarding the results. I know however that our club doesn't always offer the results in a section by section format, I think for the very reason that you stated, that it doesn't make it easy with punchcards.

If we had someone available on the day to sit at the laptop punching them in, we could probably do it easier - but at the moment, some poor sole who is back to work on Monday morning gets back home at 8pm, after picking the flags up, and taking the caravan home, and has to make a start on the results.

It's always difficult to suggest something is improved, when I know that I'm not really in a position to do it myself. I know they're not the type to say - If you want it done better, do it yourself, but you probably know what I mean.

I know when I get home, it's wash the bikes, get kids ready for bed, stuff ready for their school, and my work, then bed. Normally a few days or weeks have been spent building up to the trial which may have already rocked the boat at home. The llast thing I need is another 4 or 5 hours of work producing results, TMX reports, web updates, photo uploads etc etc. Some of this just has to be done, but I'm trying to minimise it.

This sport sometimes complains about the senior status of many of the officials, I know the ACU has regularly had that commented of them. I think people need to wake up and smell the coffee - if it weren't for our over-50, over-60, and even over-70 officials we wouldn't have half the sport we do, because many of us under 50 are generally struggling to balance trials with home life. I'm not saying you don't have a home life over 50, just that from what I see locally, when the kids start moving away from home, it seems to leave a bit more time for other things.

The backbone of our club is a 70 years young human dynamo, and the club would struggle without him. I know I've veered off topic a little, but it's generally based around the results subject you brought up this week. Time is a problem - I need an 8 day week, or a 4 day working week. I can't see either coming along, so trials gets whatever I can offer, and on occasions this may seem to fall short of the mark. Basically we need more old farts :wall:

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i can only direct you to YORKSHIRE CLASSIC where the results are always online before 4pm sunday with section by section totals

this is down purely to the dedication of Barry Pickard and Frank McMullan who produce the results every sunday..

this weekend was an exception with the annual PJ1 northern bike round and 30 sections and 65 riders on a beautiful sunny day and 'luch' at a real ale pub results were emailed at 18.46 probably before many of the riders had got home..

well done lads a great effort

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Well said Mike ,it's not that difficult although a bit time consuming with a decent entry, it takes me longer to write the report than my sec to do the results,although it doesn't take so long for Trials and northern Motocross News to edit it right down so as to fit another advert in

Edited by smiley
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Well said Mike ,it's not that difficult although a bit time consuming with a decent entry, it takes me longer to write the report than my sec to do the results,although it doesn't take so long for Trials and northern Motocross News to edit it right down so as to fit another advert in

TMX news has done the sport more harm than a little. Outsiders picking the paper up will assume that the sport is as amateurish and crappy as the paper itself. A paper with nobody involved who even rides. Had TMX not come along, results would still be in Motorcycle News- two days earlier and without most of the spelling errors. Motorcycle News is not the finest paper in the world, but the results service did ensure that Trials and Motocross was publicised amongst a much bigger audience.

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Sadly in my humble opinion I think you are wrong about MCN. I bought it (and T&MX News) from my corner shop every week without fail from the laste 70's until about 2000. Slowly MCN stopped using 'on the spot' reporters in favour of freelance journalists who submitted large glossy 'set pieces.'

Increasingly (or should that be decreasingly?) MCN filled it's pages with three page articles on the latest boots or knee sliders or water proofs etc and phased out things like paddock gossip and club news, after all the big importers and dealers spend a lot more on advertising than small local clubs.

I believe that things would have been just the same even if TMX had not been in existance, so although it has it's failings (and hopefully TC will become a bigger and more popular source of info) for the time being TMX is doing a reasonable job.

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I hope JD isn't reading this as he will think i have started something against T&MX NEWS, quite the opposite as this comment was made with regard to timing of results and writing of report in reply to Mikes article, i just slipped in the editing issue as it's in my nature to wind people up if poss. (not wriggling at all ) Even my wife says that when i pass she will have engraved on my tombstone 'He was a good bloke really but went out of his way to be awkward '. :wall:

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