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Kickstarter Hitting Frame


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Hi Guys,

Just introduced myself:


I noticed at more Montesa's 315 that the Kickstarter hits the right side of the frame after coming back from a start.

That is bit annoying to me, not for the kickstarter, as that can be changed for a new one, but for the frame. I have seen Montesa with a real nasty mark on the frame.

The sound is also a bit annoying. :hyper:

My kickstarter works perfectly with almost no play but I wanted to do something about it. I already changed the spring and steel ball in the kickstarter, with not much result.

The easiest way to prevent the kickstarter hitting the frame is to pull a rubber tube over the kickstarter but that can get slippery and you can hurt yourself starting the engine.

You can also choose for a few O-rings but I wanted something more durable.

Here it goes:

Take of the kickstarter, by removing the bolt.

Disassemble the kickstarter by removing the screw and pulling the kickstarter out of the small piece.

Before doing that wrap a cloth aroung the kickstarter flexing point, otherwise the little steel ball of the kickstarter could fly away and never to be found again. :huh:

Clean the parts, always good for a trail bike.


You need this piece of hardware 4 mm in Diameter about 5 mm long. They are available with a sharp point or just flat end. If you have one with a sharp point, grind it as you don't need the sharp point.

We call it an "adjusting-screw with inside hexagon". Sorry, but I don't know the correct translation for it.

Now you need to drill a hole of 3,5 mm into the kickstarter and tap some 4 mm screwthreads into your kickstarter.

After that carefully smooth the end of the holes.

At the picture below you can see where you have to drill and how it looks after you tapped the thread and screwed in the little "headless bolt".



I have used loc-tite to prevent the headloss bolt of coming loose. I use "medium" for this as I want it to be possible to re-adjust this little bolt if neccessary.


When assembling my kickstarter I have put a new rubbber gasket (green) into the kickstarter.

Now assemble the kickstarter, put the steel ball into it, grease the joint, put it together and secure the bolt.


Put the kickstarter onto the bike, you can adjust the clearance between kickstarter and frame by turning the wrench. If you screw "in" the gap between frame and kickstarter grows.


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Hi Luka

Welcome to the world of trials, I'm sure you'll enjoy it

Interesting to see a "newbie" having thought through an issue which has caused problems on numerous makes and models of trials bikes over the last few decades! Well done on that with an excellent description and photos to back up your words. Your modification wouldn't fix all problems surrounding the various kickstarts, as some catch on footrests and others on rear brake levers etc. but your idea may help in some cases

I'll keep an eye out for your future ideas


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  • 2 years later...

Hi there, I am new to this forum and just getting back into trials after 20 years away. I own a 315r and have the same kickstart issue as described above and would like to possibly try this mod to see if it cures my kicker. Does anyone have copies of the actual pictures that they can re-post so I can actually see the procedure?

Any help is appreciated!

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