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Down Grading !


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here one for you in my centre we have a system that states that once you make it to expert you cant be down graded at all now there is options with this 1. you ride out of class which is ok but we all entre 2 compete in a class otherwise what is the piont ?

2. if your over 40 you can ride in the clubman class against the non expert over 40 which is ok but they might get fed up experts ridin against them and stop competing themselfs cos there is no point as there is less chance of winning against experts

3. if you are made up to expert and your not over 40 but the step up is to big what can you do ?????

there are many riders out there who are in 1 of these classes for one reason or another ie 0/40 who want a challenge but dont want to end up in A&E and have to get up on monday mornin for work .Another reason in are centre the inter class is very short lived as most events dont have a big turn out in this class , its not that there arent any inter riders out there becouse there is over 100 inters registered in the centre but only a hand full turn up at a trial conciquently winning this class is made easyer and after 4 wins you move up to expert then thats it no going back now some clubs run a separate inter route but some just make the inters ride the expert route which is ok for the up and coming riders who have the ability and youth on there side to do this as the only way to get better is to push yourself harder,but there are riders out there as i said before who want a challenge without killing themselfs based on this i feel that is why alot of riders are not riding now when you see the statistics of riders where are they ? now there is in my opinion a possable answer to this if the inter class was made to win 8 events over the calender year this would possably give the inter rider more experience to reach a higher level of riding before the big jump up but also sertain clubs in this centre run what is known as a 50/50 class which the same as what the inters do but 50% of the sections are clubmen route and 50% are the easyer expert sections now this is a huge class in there club so much so that they run a 50/50 class for beginners to ride 50% of the clubman route .I know that yes its another class and yes more paperwork bla bla bla !!! but times are changing all the time and we need to be moving with them to accomidate these riders we have certon riders in this centre who travel from northwales up to buxton area just so that they can have a good ride out on this 50/50 route rather than ride there local trial . to me this is the easyist way if all clubs ran a 50/50 route there is a place for these people who want a bit of a extra challenge without being out of class or we do something about being able to be down graded . Whats the answer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's a common problem not made less difficult by the multi route phenomenon. I was trials recorder in our centre for a few years having been through similar troubles as you are experiencing I introduced a clubman expert class (we called it AB class) as a holding "pen" effectively for ageing experts who found all the hopping and physical stuff too much effort. It also provided a "stepping stone for up & coming riders with "mix & match "sections (i.e some of the expert route & some of the clubman route). It's not without its problems not the least being the extra administration & work to make it work and of course the understanding & agreement on why it was there by the clerks of course for centre events. Of course you end up with dozens of different systems of grading with little national cohesion, which I attribute to lack of interest and leadership from ACU central. Thamkfully I've passed the job on now and for me at 58 young I can choose to ride as AB , over 40, or over 50, I generally go on over 40 because it's usually on the clubman route and over 50 is on the novice route and it's the last step down which I want to keep in hand untill I'm matured a bit. I trust you get a little bit involved in your centre's organisation ( with all the Crap from ACU ) you will soon realise what a ruddy pain it is just to stand still let alone move foreward with grading systems etc. It's a sad fact that so far as trials go the ACU does less than it could to facilitate trials competitition at home or abroad than it takes money for. Well it may not be a fact to everyone it's my opinion which thanfully I have the opportunity to express.

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i agree with you chewy about the acu i was heavely iovolved in the acu years ago but the crap and the old sticks in the mud drove me mad so i gave it up but i have been involved with the acu at centre level again now for a while but there is alot of new blood now in the trials and it seems to be workin quite well but things need to change over the grading your idea is basicly the same as what i said but will rugby help in any way ! well i,ll leave this space open as i dare not comment on them thanks for your reply

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we (as a sport of trials) fail to get all 21 centres to sit in a room, with the mandate to do something/anything - because we can't agree to give them the mandate and we can't find the time to meet. even a large committee of 8 (the trials and enduro committee) thus fails to represent us all (only 8 of them, 21 centres) effectively enough to make such decisions.

Even if we could do all of the above, it's plain to see that there at least 21 different ways of running trials, meaning some sort of national grading (which enduro is also crying out for, and despite it's existence doesn't work well in mx) would require us all to agree on some sort of common standard (which plainly ain't going to happen!)

a triumph of democracy and/or localism i say!

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