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What Spark Plug For A 2001 Beta Rev3 250


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What spark plug for a 2001 beta rev3 250. The plug thats in it is champion RN7YC. I looked on beta usa and no info. Also where can i find a downloadable parts catalog for this bike. There is a parts catalog on beta usa but it is very difficult to see the images and its not in english. Also After removing the ignition cover i noticed that there are four phillips screws screwed into the in the flywheel in a square pattern. Are these screws holding a flywheel weight in place on the inside of the flywheel?

Thanks Livio

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Beta UK (Lampkins) have downloadable frame and engine spares and pricelists in PDF format.On the 2008 rev3 the flywheel is held on by 2 plough bolts with allen fitting.The flywheel weight is a sort of gunmetal colour.This sits on the flywheel proper which is a more golden orange colour.Memory fails on the bolt setup.Beta recommend NGK BR7ES.In the Uk a 5 is recommended??Hope that helps..

Edited by anyoldiron
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Thanks Anyoldiron. I stopped by the local bike shop after work to get a new sparkplug and it turns out that the recomended plug for the 01 250 Rev3 is BPRES. Correct or not thats what the parts lady's book recomended. :o After installing the new sparkplug the motor runs much smoother. I think the plug that came in the bike was fouled as the motor did not run very smooth. My 290 EVO uses a BR7ES.

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The four srews fix the maghet ring inside the flywheel, DO NOT TOUCH. A local guy undid his and the magnets turned inside the flywheel putting the flux point wrong. It took ages to find what he had done and cost him dearly, including a broken kickstart as it was firing 90degrees out.

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Thanks Bigwig. I was going to pull the flywheel to see what the screws held in place before removing them.

Has any one used the high altitude base gasket. If so what was your impression of the motor after the compression bump. I ride at 7,000' and up. It may have the thin base gasket installed now as the gasket is very thin and my Evo has a very thick base gasket installed. I spoke with Ron Como Sr. of USA Beta yesterday, and he said that both bikes use the same base gasket.

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altough it aint 7000' (Silsden is about 500') lampkins have been setting up these bikes for world trials at altitude for a good few years so give em a ring.. they've been known to speak english although it does have that unmistakable yorkshire slant to it.. there isn t anything they dont know about Betas..

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