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Any News On 4rt Sales Stoppage


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A lot of negative comments about this bike and most posting them haven't even had a leg across one yet, In the mid eighties the works fourstrokes of Lejune and Saunders, sparked a lot of interest and excitement in trials at a time it needed it, also they delivered the goods and Saunders was nothing less then unlucky not to be top of the world on one.

This year should be even more exciting as there will be two, poss three models competing.

At a trial this weekend I also saw many lads excited to test ride one and watch it perform, it did very well!!

The truth is Sherco, GG, Beta, Scorpa, are all close behind and trials is heading down the fourstroke road, p*** and moan all you want but many of you will be on one eventually.

The results at the end of the year will tell the true story but at least let them run the buggers in before you start jumping to conclusions, it doesn't do anyone any good pulling any brand of machine down.

The first chance I will get to watch the works bikes perform in full anger will be the Duluth world round in June, and to tell you the truth I can't wait to get there.

A true fan of trials doesn't care what anyone else rides they have made their personal choice and obviously it's a better choice than those daft buggers riding fourstrokes, so step up to the start gate and prove it in competition, it has a lot more merit than tabloid press tripe getting posted on here.

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Well I'll try to explain in my poor english. I've spoken with Montesa factory just today and they said that the problem now is ok. It was a SMALL problem and they change a " little screw"....and that's all.

And I should say that in Spain NOBODY had this problem. All the 4rt in the markek are working well, so I don't know if they will change this "little screw". I imagine if necesary the concesionary - dealer will contact to all customers. Don't worry about that, the Montesa-Honda quality department are in my opinion "so strict".... :wall:

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  • 3 weeks later...
a two-stroke? - what's that?"

John you should know what a 2 stroke is by now, horrible smelly things that they are, you have been riding one since i first met you!

Occasionally I see a big & heavy competition G3 Matchless telling you where it wants to go in a section but does your statement mean you have seen the light and are planning to dump the stinkwheels altogether in the near future?

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