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Censored Duluth World Round Story

city trials

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I just got this old computer up and running again, this is the computer I took to Duluth. This is the computer I wrote a world round story on for Cycle USA.

This story never ran, nor did any other story about this World Class event in Cycle USA.

The organizer made a point to let me know he had a hand in not having this story run in Cycle USA. It's a shame, I thought it wasn't bad. Not one word has been changed.

FugiGas loves America

FIM Observed Trials World Round

June 5th and 6th

Duluth, MN.

by Craig Gernhardt

How did this happen? Seven time and defending World Champion Dougie Lampkin from Great Britain didn't make it to the podium for the first time since May of 2003 in Germany. It's not like he gave up or wasn't trying, because he didn't and he was. Even after a horrendous crash on the second loop, at section three. Dougie splattered himself on a massive, unforgiving, 14 foot sheer rock, much like a bug would hit the windshield of a truck going down the highway. He broke his fork yoke, but his team fixed that. He bruised his leg, that, they couldn't fix. Towards the end of the second loop, it was clear from the expression on Lampkin's face he was sore, tired and hurt, but still managed to finish in fourth place. This happened in the pouring rain and pea soup fog that covered Spirit Mountain on Saturday.

The huge winner of the weekend and possibly in line for his first world title is Takahisa Fuginami from Japan, riding a HONDA. Recently married and a child on the way, FugiGas as he is known on the trials circuit is now 10 points ahead of Lampkin in his quest for his first world title. In the process will he stop Lampkins reign of championship's? FugiGas won the 2002 Wagner Cup and did it again this year with his fearless style and ultra quick moves. He also loves America and the American crowds loved his riding style.

Third place on both days was a young and talented Spaniard, Gas/Gas mounted Adam Raga, the 2004 Indoor World Champion. He lost second to Lampkin on Sunday having a tie score but less cleans. He isn't known for liking the mud, so on Saturday he was surprised he did so well. Second place on Saturday was another Great Britain and 2004 Scottish Six Day Trials (SSDT) winner Graham Jarvis riding a SHERCO. Jarvis is used to the mud and poor conditions.

An event of this magnitude takes a massive amount of work and preparation. The Upper Mid-West Trials Association ( UMTA ), Wisconsin Observed Trials Association ( WOTA ), American Motorcycle Association ( AMA ) and the Federation Internationale de Motorcyclisme ( FIM ) all did a great job in staging a World Class event located in the mid west. The Clerk of Course Sarah Claire Alhers, her father Steve and the countless others made North America proud to be apart of World Championship trials, and FugiGas agrees.

USGP Trials

Saturday Results

1 Fujinami 45

2 Jarvis 49

3 Raga 52

4 Lampkin 53

5 Cabestany 69

6 Freixa 77

7 Bou 78

8 Fajardo 92

9 Blazusiak 93

10 Pascuet 100

11 Connor 104

12 Nozaki 111

13 Morris 120

14 Manzano 122

15 Bruand 129

16 Florin 158

Sunday Results

1 Fujinami 15

2 Lampkin 17; 23 cleans

3 Raga 17; 21 cleans

4 Cabestany 33

5 Bou 35

6 Jarvis 44

7 Freixa 46

8 Fajardo 62

9 Pascuet 64

10 Connor 74

11 Blazusiak 75; 7 cleans

12 Nokaki 75; 6 cleans

13 Manzano 90

14 Morris 103

15 Bruand 108

16 Florin 133

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That doesn't look like a bad write-up at all, nobody being slagged off, no complaints about the trial etc. So why did the organisers not want it to go to print? What point are you trying to make by publishing it now? Have I missed something? I don't get it !!!

Ah, hang on - are you saying you predicted Fuji taking the WTC crown? :angry:

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If it's true that the organiser had a hand in this not being published then Craig is right to be pi$$ed. It's a well written synopsis that I'd have been happy to publish.

Craig provided Trials Central with a ton of photos from Duluth 2004 that did the event nothing but a great deal of good at zero cost to the organisers. Between Craig and Jake Miller we provided the most comprehensive photographic and news coverage of a World Round ever outside of the UK - and it happened in America, not Spain where you'd expect or anywhere else.

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Thanks Andy,

I posted this for many reason's. Here are three.

1. I took the time to write and submit a story about trials to a Motocross dominated magazine, trying to promote our sport to others. Finding this on the computer brought back the great weekend memories that I wanted to share with others.

The leaders of our sport want to get press, but only want the press to read the way they want it read.

2. I was p****d that the story didn't run because a couple people felt I may have written a story bashing the observers and the worlds best female competitor, Ms. Sanz.

Mr. Sanz and I have discussed the forum treads that was one of the reasons I would guess caused this story to be censored months ago, he was a man to contact me directly. Mr. Alhers and Mr. Belair choose to kick my ass and discredit me.

3. Even though three other people got press bibs to cover the event for Cycle USA, I was the only one who sent in a story and photos to the publication.

Footnote: In hind sight I made one mistake, I was upset that Mr. Belair took such a critical stand at my observations, which I stand behind to this day, I left out the fact the Dougie was sponsored by Montesa.

My apology to Mr. Belair, Dougie and everyone at Montesa.

And Kinell, how about that prediction, huh?

Here is another, when I apply for a press bib for Duluth '05, will I get one, or will I be like the folks who didn't get an entry to the SSDT?

Edited by City Trials
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That is my point. I didn't.

Cycle USA is monthly publication. The internet is instant.

I made comments which everyone in the trials world read in Trials Comp fourms hit right after the event.

Just because I wrote something about the event in our forums does not mean this is what I'm going to write for a monthly print motocross magazine.

Mr. Alhers assumed I was going to follow the same direction with the print edition as what I was mentioning on a fourm to trials riders.

These forums have advantages and disadvantages, such as the Dougie riding the SSDT rumor. It generates converstion or in my case controversy.

Mr. Alhers jumped to the conclusion and figured I had wrote a negitive review of his event. How rude and wrong.

As I said, our organizers cry for press coverage, but only good press. So I gave them good press and they put in a call the publisher, stopping the coverage? This I cannot answer, Mr. Alhers is the only on who can. Maybe he will explain it to Sarah and she can post the answer here?

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