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Hooper Trial - Cancelled


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Over the years I have seen a decline in the entries to all Midland Centre Trials, at club and centre level...WHY !? I ask myself.

In the 90's you had 60 - 100 riders without fail at all trials, whether closed/road/club/Centre.

Get a National and 100 plus.

What's the answer????? :wall:

With the interest shown this year I can see only one or two centre events taking place..........look at the Group Trial Series, pathetic!

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Over the years I have seen a decline in the entries to all Midland Centre Trials, at club and centre level...WHY !? I ask myself.

In the 90's you had 60 - 100 riders without fail at all trials, whether closed/road/club/Centre.

Get a National and 100 plus.

What's the answer????? :wall:

With the interest shown this year I can see only one or two centre events taking place..........look at the Group Trial Series, pathetic!

Back to that old chestnut, many think it's too hard for the easy route. Easy trials get good entries and the centre championships by their nature aren't easy.

Sorry to hear the Hooper trial has been cancelled, how many emtries did you have?


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Have to agree with Pete; Yours won't be the only centre with similar situation, gone are the days when best novice finshed on 100 plus marks, in some ways it's a shame that most riders now feel that losing more than 30/40 marks means the trial was too hard and not for them. There are pros and cons for how severe to make sections but for sure entrants will vote with thier choice of event to ride. Generally I'm all for improving the ability of all riders but how to do it? In the distant past (over 40 years ago) we used to have team events i.e neighbouring centres competitions (it could be inter club) where you had say an expert an inter and 3 novices (yes it was only one route through simpler sections) where it was in the interest of winning to keep the team score down.The experts passed on thier knowledge and experience, the novices got better. forgive me for wittering on but it is one of the fundamental issues in modern trials today.

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I would of done it if an entry on the day was possible! I can't commit early due to work.

The next trial at Mamble will be a club event,put the 28th November in your diary and it will close on the day. We may not run Centre events in 2011 as I feel a club trial is all the riders want! :(

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The next trial at Mamble will be a club event,put the 28th November in your diary and it will close on the day. We may not run Centre events in 2011 as I feel a club trial is all the riders want! :(

We dropped the Centre championship Group trial this year as it was a lot of work for no more riders than we would have got at a simple 'enter on the day' club trial.

It was soul destroying to have 30 riders pre-enter and bring along their share of observers for another 20 to turn up on the day with no need to bring an observer only to find that we were short. (There is a requirment for each club to supply 1 observer for every five riders.)

Plus, we also ran three routes to cater for the 'less able' riders, without which it wouldn't be worth staging the event anyway.

Even for our three round club championship, we only had 16 riders do all three rounds this year, many only entered one trial out of the three.

It's an unfortunate (for clubs) fact that people want to pick and choose and decide on the day where and if they ride. As organisers we just have to resign ourselves to that and do our best to cater for all levels of ability and hope that enough riders enter to make our efforts worthwhile.

I feel for the Bewdley club having to cancel the trial, we've not had to do that in the past (not due to poor enties that is) although I did run a 40 section road trial with only 32 riders a few years back!

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I can only sympathise with you on that one Jam

We have exactly the same problem for the Ayrshire Trophy Trial this sunday, as it stands it is in serious danger of being cancelled again due to lack of entries.

A decision will be taken on this tomorrow evening

It p!*ses me off that myself and mates missed the team trial last week to prepare for this event and we dont get enough of an entry to make the trial viable

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Thanks for all your replies, in a nutshell if it wasn't for the Guys giving up thier weekends/evenings to organise these events then all you riders would have NO TRIALS to go to !!

Support them lads/lasses, if we are not carefull their will be nothing?! :thumbup:

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