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Beta 1993 240 Super Trial? Alp? Help!


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Hello, and first let me apologize for swooping in here an making my first visit a question. And secondly, apologize for putting this in the classic section, as it's not really classic, but it's definitely not modern either.

We've acquired a Beta, which may or may not be a 1993 (could be '92), is certainly air cooled, is definitely a 240, and may or may not be a Super Trial, and may or may not be an Alpine.

Not thinking ahead, I stupidly didn't shoot pictures before disassembly, so hopefully this group of experts can help without visual aids?

The bike has upside-down forks, the rear fender is bluish-purple, the grapics are typical early '90's wet-paintbrush squiggle in purple and teal, and the word ALP is on the side panel.

If someone could tell me what model this is, that would be great. Next question, how much oil in the forks? These are upside-down 36mm with one compression and one dampening. They were completely blown so no way to measure what was there to begin with.

Any help is very greatly appreciated!

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