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Arm Pump

marky g

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Cheers for all the replys guys,

The dehydartion thing was interesting, the night before my last trail I'd had quite a bit of ale and the day of the trail I had the classic bad head, I had no breakfast either.

All of this could point to me being dehydrated...like I said in my first post, I'd never had arm pump as bad as this before (it was still sore in the evening!).

I shall endevor to drink pleanty of water (although I hate the taste or lack of it of water) I do like bananas though...so no problems there :o

I will purchase some sort of forearm trainer, it can only help....my next trail is new years day so I'm in training already...no beers for me new years eve :D


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I shall endevor to drink pleanty of water (although I hate the taste or lack of it of water) I do like bananas though...so no problems there :o

I also hate it. If you go to your local store, you could pick up a bottle of water, with a hint of lemon, blackcurrent and apple.

It is normal mineral water, with a tad of flavour...much more nicer. I dont drink fizzy stuff, so flavoured water is more me.

Watermelon, as mentioned before is the nicest fruit known to man.

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You could also try a pair of Specalised mountain bike gloves with the gel pad over the median nerve in the ball of your palm,

If a gel pad helps, I suspect you may be putting weight on your handlebars. Also loosen your grip periodically. You don't need a death grip all the time. These are things that helped me.


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