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Hi I am new to this forum and sport, I have been drooling over trials bikes for many years and after 10+ years on an enduro bike i am about to embark into the skilled world of trials. got the green light today from my wife and i have my eye on a nice 2004 montesa 315.

Hope this move turns out to be all i expect, having never even ridden a trials bike.

I live in Swaziland and have all the right terrain on my doorstep to take advantage of, not to mention i have two small boys who i would rather see started on an Oset than a peewee! ... need to get a head start since the older one is 3 and i will need the skill to match his energy

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wow and i was thinking that my next response would be to explain that Swaziland is not dyslexified Switzerland!! You have obviously been here or have a fascination for obscure foreign currencies!?

Still using the Lilangeni, but the bike is coming from JHB so will be paying with Rands. This is the bike if you have any advice or comments: http://www.e-dirt.co.za/site/forum_posts.asp?TID=37493&title=2004-montesa-cota-315r-trials-bike

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wow and i was thinking that my next response would be to explain that Swaziland is not dyslexified Switzerland!! You have obviously been here or have a fascination for obscure foreign currencies!?

Still using the Lilangeni, but the bike is coming from JHB so will be paying with Rands. This is the bike if you have any advice or comments: http://www.e-dirt.co.za/site/forum_posts.asp?TID=37493&title=2004-montesa-cota-315r-trials-bike

Get it bought! :thumbup:

I went to stay with relatives in S.A. for a while,

Africa left a lasting impression on me.

I'm guessing you're not far from Newcastle?

Not the real one though :P

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Sorry to hi-jack this intro, but I'm venturing over the border in the next couple of weeks and need to get my inoculations up to date. Diphtheria, Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A B C, Bulls41teitus A-Z.

Anything else required ?



Edited by B40RT
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Hijack apologies continued......

Ross,if you come from Edinburgh(don't you?) AKA 'the AIDS capital of Europe, I presume your HIV jabs would cover you for any part of the world.

I've just got back from a visit to Edinburgh zoo and I see that they actually have some of your Scotchenese countrymen in captivity and have them on show :blink: ( a dangerous job 'setting the buckfast traps').


Awful feeding habits !

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Sorry to have missed you, I could have recommended some festival shows for you.

I think you would have enjoyed the "Lady Boys of Bangkok" right up your alley.

Personally I stick to the Book Festal myself,was chatting to Irvine Welsh about his new novel

set in the N E of England, Wayne Spotting.

Just need to get currency organised for my trip, whats the exchange rate at the moment,

it was 500 bic pens to the Scotchenese pound (which is legal tender, ask Michael McIntyre)

I've also got some shiny beads, used baco foil, and broken casio calculators.


(6.32 am ? all night effort eh!)

Sorry about this swazi_matt, but you must have a whole lot of stereo typical thinly disguised banter you could add ?

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wow and i was thinking that my next response would be to explain that Swaziland is not dyslexified Switzerland!! You have obviously been here or have a fascination for obscure foreign currencies!?

Still using the Lilangeni, but the bike is coming from JHB so will be paying with Rands. This is the bike if you have any advice or comments: http://www.e-dirt.co.za/site/forum_posts.asp?TID=37493&title=2004-montesa-cota-315r-trials-bike

Is it in your garage yet?

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