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Revs Stuck On


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The story goes i took my bars off to remove some spacers i had in, when i kicked the bike up it went to full revs striaght away. knowing many away to stop the bike now when im calm or if it was someone else, i paniced at the time obviously kill switch didnt do anything, hand over exhaust did nothing, i went to throw it upside down and it jumped in gear. thankfully a lad ran over and one lad went for spark plug and other just ripped the throttle cable off the bars and all was good. it felt like an externity at the time but it was geniunely a fair while and it got to the point i was thinking it woul seize. i lubed the throttle up and checked everything and went on riding and everything seemed ok. it did it again when i kicked it up 20 min later this time i ripped the ht lead off but im guessing it was self combusting due to heat so stalled it.

ive bought new cable and throttle and will check carb over and clean. my qeustion is do you think i should replace piston ring and little end bearing and head gasket to be on safe side? due to the long period of high revs.

cheers andy

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WHen you get to be older, you will have learned little lessons like this one you just had, and chuckle (to yourself of course) when you see others have this happen, if your close enough you will stop them and teach them. you can save a life, injury, and or just expensive repairs if you heed the following.

From NOW on, you will NOT alter (by maintenance or crash) anything that even touches the throttle cable or any part there of: without checking that the throttle is working CORRECTLY before you attempt to start your bike: This includes if you crash and anything.

You check this, while the bike is NOT RUNNING, by twisting the throttle grip, and just letting go of the grip. It should rapidly and of its own property, return to the FULL off position. While doing this, you will audibly check, TO MAKE DANG SURE you here that it makes the "clank" sound as the carb's slide comes to rest on the idle adjustment screw, in the carb.

What happened to you is, you pulled the bars up while monkeying with whatever it was, and the outside of the cable pulled out of either the carb lid, or the handle control and stuck, which took the slack out of the cable, which pulls the throttle on (as far as the carb is concerned) which is what you also do when you twist the throttle grip.

Heed that my padiwan, save yourself and your fellow riders.

Happened to me, what is worse was we were pulling the bike to bump start, when it started with throttle stuck on... For those faint of heart or not able to manage panic, this situation that should be avoided by the throttle check, ends very ugly, more times than you can count.

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When I picked my Raga up from being shipped back to the GG distributor, who happens to be in my town, he told me to be careful if the bike is hot and I fall on the right side and the throttle gets stuck open. Apparently if the bike is allowed to run at full throttle for a bit it can start dieseling and running on even after you pick the bike up and shut the throttle. He said if this happens the kill button will not do anything, so either put your hand over the pipe (which didn't work for the OP) or put it in a higher gear and hold on the brakes and dump the clutch.

If this is is happening I don't think pulling the plug wire would stop it either. If it is truly dieseling.

This sounds scary. I've never heard of anything like this with non trials bikes. Is it just a Gas Gas thing?

How does this happen and what is the best thing to do if it does?

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Not just Gas Gas. Problem is if you think about it, Gas Gas has more bikes in usa than just about any others added together. so more people, more problems. SO anecdotal evidence says it is a Gas Gas problem.

It is a scary thing, this is one reason some are doing the kill switch tether, kills the bike before it can wind up like that, when you fall off...

Any-who what you need to know is the TUNE of a trials bike is seemingly quite like them old glow plug Cox .049 engines, you surely had one as a kid? when the engine revs to the moon, things get hot enough no spark needed. if you get to the bike QUICKLY if this happens to you, usually killswitch works. If you get delayed too long, it happens, then you need to control the situation. many panic and attempt to pick up the bike, which jumps out of their hands of course, and takes out or rams through anyone else trying to help or tries to make its way through anything like trees, rocks, or riverbank near you. You have to control panic, and be careful.

Best advice is to get the clutch, get the bike up enough to get pushing on rear brake, let out clutch, stop the engine. But it can be hard to do.

A boot or a gloved hand over the exhaust can burn the hell out of your hand. but wadding up more gloves and stuffing it on exhaust can slow engine down enough to help kill the bike with kill switch

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Hopefully that will never happen but if it does I'll try and remain calm and deal with it appropriately.

I hit a tree the other day after launching up a creek bank and hurt my hand somewhat. Hopefully won't do that again but I'm used to riding KTMs with bark busters on every one. Not that you are usually going fast enough to worry about on a trials bike but it would still be nice. I might design and build some lightweight guards for the Raga that would work on mountain bikes too. I've wanted to do that ever since bars started getting wider on bikes. The issue at hand is there is apparently a bearing at the end of the throttle. I don't know how this is constructed but it might make an expansion plug in that end impossible. Application to this thread? you ask :) If there is a guard on the end the throttle will be very unlikely to stick open.

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