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Splitting Crankshaft


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I've had some crank pins that will come out at 2 tons on a home made press and some I've had to take into work and use the 50 ton press. Most will come out at with the small home made press. For the ones that seem to be stuck A hard hit with a lead hammer on the counter wieght seem to help them move.

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To realine the crank,some are held between centers and two dial indicators on the bearing surfaces. And some you rest the bearing surfaces on a set of V blocks and using the dial indicators on bearing surface. Spin the crank and watch the indicators to find the high spot. Then hit the counter weight with a lead hammer at the high spot. But first take the crank out of the centers or V blocks. I've made a jig for the cranks that I do a lot(ty175) the jig holds the two crank halfs while pressing the crank pin in. Hope this answer your question.

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