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Monty Starting


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How well do the montys start ?

my sherco is really random,

one trial it will go all day first or second kick then for no apparent reason it will flood or pop and take bloody loads of kicks to start.

This happened three times yesterday then calmed down for the last lap.

does the fuel injection stop this?

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Starting a 4RT is really a "push through" with the kickstart lever. My bike usually takes three "push throughs" after sitting for more than 24 hours. During an event it starts each time with one push through. No starting or stalling problems whatsoever. :D

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Must be really boring having a bike which starts and runs without fault. But personally I could put up with it...............lol

Nah, not boring having one that starts first time.. Just boring riding one :D

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yeah, the first trial bike I got to play with was a BSA Bantam 175 and it was always breaking down. Normally the ignition system. But, it seemed the norm to have bikes breaking down all the time. Something we got use to i suppose. :D

Honda make great bikes, I agree with that. The 4t needs some work to get it sorted but I dont seem to mind strangely enough. Its fun taking the thing apart and working out what does what and coming up with ways to improve it. I get a buzz out of it. But im certain that when its sorted, its going to be a great bike :)

If you 4rt owners are going to Hawkstone, I'll buy you all a pint and we can chat about 4 strokes till dougie wins :D

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webmonkey you rock,you can buy me a pint any time ,but i heard doug is pretty badly hurt i hope he can shake it off ,

lets hope the yorky bugger is stobourn enough to pull it off

i think i might change my sherco for a monty tough,well i am getting old

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: 4RT starting

When cold mine starts first kick, however, when it's hot, I have had to kick it several times. I think the problem is me though. I think I am still "Kicking" it rather than pushing it through.

While in Duluth last month, I described this minor irritation to Amos Bilbao who helped test and develop the bike. He said that when it is hot to twist throttle quickly all the way open then reelease before kicking it. This has seemed to help.

Again I think I am still "Kicking" it like my old 315R rather than pushing it through.

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Cota 4RT Starting.

Same as everyone else, starts effortlessly usually three pushes from cold.

During a meeting usually first push even when it has been upside down.

As I have my tickover set fairly slow and there is a bit of drag when in gear, I find hot starting more reliable with the throttle just cracked open a very small amount but keeping the throttle dead still.

Don't contribute to the various arguments about which is best bike, only know that the couple of 4RTs here have been totally reliable and we reckon the whole package is fantastic.

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