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Coming 4strokes


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I dont keep the fact that I am a Beta fan any kind of a secret. I also dont make a habit of running other brands down. Basically I could care less what anybody thinks of what bike I ride or what they ride. With that being said I have noticed something interesting in my area of the world with my fellow riders.

People have been asking me what I will switch to when the 4 strokes take over. They immediatly go on to explain that Betas 4 will be crap and I will not be happy with one.

I have to admitt that I have not heard many details on the Beta 4 and they dont have the resources of Honda and Yamaha. However, Beta is a quality company that is rather diverse. For someone to tell me that the Beta 4 will suck but the Sherco is going to be great blows my mind. That is not a shot at Sherco its just pointing out the fact that Sherco is not as big as Beta.

So far, in the circles I travel, the opinion seems to be for some reason Beta is in trouble with the 4 strokes. Why Beta over any other brand I dont know. It just seemes odd to me that all the sudden fellow riders are going out of their way to point out to me that the Beta 4 will suck.

They may not be HRC but they build a 2 stroke that is every bit as good as the HRC 2 stroke if not better so I dont see whats stopping them with a 4.

So with all that being said I was wondering what anyone else has heard and what the word on the street is over the rest of the world.


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