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Ouch indeed !! Yesterday was going well at our local woods, plenty of fun and skill practice until about 2 hours in then OUCH! crossing a burn, up a bank, hopped over a log, no big issue I guess untill the bike decided to head right instead of straight on and I along with machine headed off the narrow track and straight down backwards into the burn landing on my left shoulder and slamming my left leg on a rather large slab of rock.. I guess I only fell about 5ft or so and thankfully narrowly missing that rock but nevertheless I'm suffering big style today :(

At the time myself and my mate were a fair way from the van but I still had to get back with the bike, I managed but in agony and with the help of my mate. I guess the moral of this painful experience is to ride with a mate or group so if this happens then help is at hand. I'm 53 yr old and as the true saying goes... one doesn't bounce as well the older one gets!

Ps.. my bike was survived unscathed ;)

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Always enjoyed riding on my own as a kid but at 52 with a wife and 2 kids to think about I seldom do and when I do I am very cautious. Glad to hear you made it out alright and thanks for the reminder as it is always good to keep in mind how easy these types of things can happen.

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Sorry to hear about your "off." Many of us have had similar experiences and you drew exactly the correct conclusion: Don't ride alone. But, if you are going to ride alone, drop down a few levels in the degree of difficulty of obstacles. I also always carry my mobile phone in a padded case but know that there may or may not be service in the remote locations.

And trust me, at 52 it may be a bounce. At 62 it's a thud.

Here's hoping you heal up quickly and get back on those pegs!

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Always a good idea to carry your phone. (even though mine drowned yesterday!!) Also lately I've noticed a number of lads who visit the same woods as myself & mates taking to their bikes without trials boots, preferring to wear rigger boots or even trainers, I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for my Boulders my left shin would've been snapped.

We all have had our 'offs' & we learn from them (or do we lol) Don't cut corners by not wearing the proper gear.

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  • 2 months later...

Just had a similar experience. I too am 53, and first time out on my newly acquired Gas Gas 300 was starting to tackle stuff which I shouldn't have been. Inevitable result, came backwards down a steep climb onto rocks and bike onto me. Was sore for a week but valuable lesson learned.

Good advice from a mate when we were speaking of being afraid. He said "it's very important to be afraid - 'cos when you're not afraid that's when bad things can happen!"

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Always a good idea to carry your phone. (even though mine drowned yesterday!!) Also lately I've noticed a number of lads who visit the same woods as myself & mates taking to their bikes without trials boots, preferring to wear rigger boots or even trainers, I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for my Boulders my left shin would've been snapped.

We all have had our 'offs' & we learn from them (or do we lol) Don't cut corners by not wearing the proper gear.

This is why land for trials is hard to find as muppets riding around some woods somewhere without a permit or insurance or protective gear give the sport a bad name. Just because it's quiet and no houses are near doesn't mean its legal!

We lost one of the best grounds down south as someone thought they could just get a bike and ride it where they want and broke their back.

Our sport will not survive if this continues.

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