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Smaller Master Clutch Cylinder


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Bike's a 01 270 rev3, and the clutch is totally on/off. It barely slips, grabs instantly. It's very nice for steps, but (clubman) turns are a pain. The bike hasnt been ridden much. Using atf in the gearbox. Going to change that to elf htx740, and change the friction plates. Softer springs would be good? The clutch doesnt drag, nor slip. Adjusting the lever's position helps a bit, but not enough. So my bet would be getting a smaller master cylinder. But from where? Ideas? :rolleyes:

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Sounds odd. Beta clutches are usually very good - certainly the best of any bike I've ridden and apart from an annoying reluctance to engage from cold that I'm currently wrestling with on my '03 250, I've had no clutch problems on any of my Betas. I'm pretty sure (although I'm prepared to be corrected on this) that a smaller master cylinder might actually make the problem worse. Lots of 4RT owners seem to be using the larger master cylinder from the Cota because they found the standard one to be too "grabby".

Can't really comment on plates, springs etc. although I'll recommend that you give PJ1 Clutch Tuner gearbox oil a try as it certainly helped improve the clutch feel on my old GasGas and I've used it in all my bikes ever since. It's quite thin though and needs replacing often to give best performance. Have you tried replacing the fluid and/or bleeding the clutch actuator?

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I agree with neonsurge. It sounds like your clutch may not be completely dis-engaging in the first place. Any bubbles in the line can cause this problem - the fluid isn't compressable so displacement at the master cylinder piston equals displacement at the actuator. The bubbles are compressable so, if you have air in the system you don't get equal displacement at the actuator.

Bleed the system from the actuator back up to the master cylinder if that's possible.

I recently replaced the master cylinder plunger assembly in my 250 - BETA sells a complete kit for this. You may have slight seepage past the master cylinder seal... or just get a new bike.

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I recently replaced the master cylinder plunger assembly in my 250 - BETA sells a complete kit for this.  You may have slight seepage past the master cylinder seal... or just get a new bike.

Funny thing is - talked to my dad yesterday evening.. he said "don't bother with the too grabby clutch. I bought a new bike :D"

I don't see how fitting a bigger master cylinder would help against grabby movement, as then you'd have even more fluid moving with the same ammount of finger movement. :rolleyes:

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