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Wagner Cup


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It appears from the following post on the TTC website that no Americans will be able to contest for World Round points this year , which is very disturbing considering the time and "negotiations" that were had at the NATC meeting. By a concensus of majority it was decided to have the Pro's ride the WR sections, now apparantly that has been reversed! :hl:

(One final note, it has been decided that the AMA National Championship for our Pros will ride on the blue gates during the Trials World Championship (corresponding to the same splits as the Junior World Championship) as the most appropriate level of difficulty for our national. AMA Expert class will ride the green gates, as corresponding to the Youth World Championship. Support and Expert Support classes will ride Friday on a totally different loop.)

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Was it the FIM or NATC that decided this?

I think the pros should get to choose. I won't judge if one of them rides the junior line, there's some nasty stuff in the full on out wtc line, but if someone wants to try it, cool.

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If that is the case then the Pros should be allowed to drop a round in the NATC championship if they actually want to ride the WR sections as it is a great oppertunity to ride with the top dogs in the world.(not that any of them might win but maybe be a contender) And many would like to see it. Keeps the fight in the young guns! Should be their option!

All that being said, the general ruling may be more correct for the riding level of our riders which is why it was done.

As it is, Mich Lin could'nt get any WR points! Ha!

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I made that decision, with the knowledge of the NATC officers. After considering the wishes of the riders in the Pro class, it is clear that the vast majority of the U.S. Pro riders feel, and I agree, that it would be preferable to set our national championship competition to ride the blue gates associated with the Junior World Championship instead of the red gates associated with the Trials World Championship. The section difficulty will be more suited to the level of riding in our top national championship class. It will still be a very challenging event, but one that is still appropriate for the skill level of the riders who will be competing.

And, consider that the thousands of spectators in attendance will get the opportunity to watch our top national riders exhibit their skill on some very challenging and spectacular sections. This will be a much better show for the spectators than watching them attempt to drag their bikes through 3 or 4 of the easiest world championship sections and punch out of most of the rest. I am hopeful that we will get good TV coverage of the event as well, and the national championship competition will add another level of interest that we would never get from a national by itself.

Barry, consider this: I watched James Dabill win the Junior class at Hawkestone with around 35 points or so. He went on in the next event to compete in the Trial World Championship and finished around 11th or 12th, and ahead of Sam Conner (who finished way ahead of Bruce & Chris at Duluth). Bruce & Chris rode Duluth and only got through 2 or 3 sections. That's not a good event for our Pro class to decide the championship. The lesser riders might not get through a single section.

Anyway, the decision has been made and you can be p****d at me about it if you want. But I'm doing what I think will produce the best quality event and we'll see how it works out. I am open to suggestions for future improvement if it doesn't. But I hope you'll just give this a try with an open mind and still be supportive of our efforts to get American trials more prominantly into the public eye.


Dan Brown

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It appears from the following post on the TTC website that no Americans will be able to contest for World Round points this year , which is very disturbing considering the time and "negotiations" that were had at the NATC meeting. By a concensus of majority it was decided to have the Pro's ride the WR sections, now apparantly that has been reversed!  :hl:

(One final note, it has been decided that the AMA National Championship for our Pros will ride on the blue gates during the Trials World Championship (corresponding to the same splits as the Junior World Championship) as the most appropriate level of difficulty for our national. AMA Expert class will ride the green gates, as corresponding to the Youth World Championship. Support and Expert Support classes will ride Friday on a totally different loop.)

You want your son to compete for the Wagner Cup? Go ahead. Your son can do it, he is old enough. No one is stopping him. The system is being altered so riders like Geoff Aaron and Chris Florin will now be moving down to a easier route for their age (blue instead of red ), while a rider such as little 15 year old Patrick Smage will be moving up to ride the harder route ( blue instead of green ) .

So, in fact, this helps your kid keep his dab score lower and actually allows him to ride ALL the sections. Plus the change won't scare Aaron away from competing.

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The difficulty is always a challenge, but as the discussion was presented at the meeting will the coverage be on the WTC lines or the junior competition. As a sidenote in the previous years (without visibility zero and monsoon conditions Duluth would have been much more rideable)Chris got through well over half of the sections and cleaned 4.

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Have no fear!

Ringo and I will fly the US flag and enter the world round with Doug, Raga, Fugi and the rest. In fact it will make for better reading for you guys if we enter than if the two of us just stand in the press/minder zone and report on the event.

Hey, we may even score world championship points if only 10 Euros show up!

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Bottom line Dan, if you don't compete with the BIG DOGS you can't score any world championship points. To have them step down from the world championship line at their one shot per year with the best, loses a good dress rehersal for next years A class TDN debut. O'Well another lost oppertunity.

Remember that one US rider and one US based rider not with an American passport scored world championship points last year in Deluth, the first time since the mid-80s by our male riders.

I was very happy for these men even though there was only 13 WCT compeditors. Which made it impossible for them not to score world championship points. They still made the record books and that's a big deal breaking a twenty year dry spell of no US world championship points.

To take the course of action which makes it impossible for our best riders to compete without losing national championship points is indeed a difficult position for them. This has been business as usual for the NATC for the past 25 years, placing our best riders in a no win position.

When will this madness stop?

Only by riding with the best, in the same sections, seeing it done right and then doing it yourself will our riders ever get back to a WCT level again.

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Have no fear!

How come I don't feel reassured that Lane & Ringo will save the day?

I'm sitting here wondering how I got mixed up in this discussion via Ringo & Lane. :hl:

There is no Ringo & Lane!

It's Ringo Vrs. Lane :P

Now if America needs an American to step up and earn WR points this year I'll have to "ride" all the NATC national rounds. I will "ride" every section and I can guarantee you that it won't be pretty. What's worse is that when I get to Tennesee, I'll "ride" every section there as well. I'm just wondering who is going to step up to pick up all the pieces that will be scattered all over the sections. Of course I'll need a bike sponsor who'll be there to replace all the broken parts.

And finally, the AMA will not be allowed to give me any grief about my "unprofessional" Hawaian shirt and dingle ball shorts as I'm not getting paid, therefore I won't be considered a Professional.

Trials is FUN and Yes, I think it would be fun to hurl myself at boulders and 15 foot walls and you wont hear me cussing when I fall down. Just my horn!!!

Hey Copemech, I need a minder. Are you game???

I can see it now, Martin, Ron Jr., Dale and Ryan are going to be in a bidding war to see who gets to sponsor me. :crying:

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