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350 CCM


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I first saw a 350 CCM in action when Dave Thorpe struggled round the Scottish way back in... whenever it was. Saw one for sale a bit later and took the plunge. Did a few SE Centre trials on it, got the four stroke bug and swapped it for... can't remember, possibly a 350 Ajay (no, it was a 250 Honda Pinkie from Gordon Farley's Ash shop). The buyer bought it on behalf of an American enthusiast who was intending to rebuild 'as new', so it went off to the USA where I presume it still resides, possibly in a millionaire's collection, or museum. Must be worth quite a few bob now I suppose. Out of curiosity, I revisited my bike blog to check out the 350CCM posting where I listed a few bikes over the last ten years. Interesting. https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/9185673305938807930/6167844510043939243


Edited by bigplonker
remembered the bike
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I was riding the SSDT when Thorpie was on the CCM (1979). He spent quite a bit of time repairing/rebuilding it through the week. A very game effort, but he soon returned to a Bulto after the event. 

Edited by cleanorbust
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