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Machine Examination


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Thanks for your reply John, that has cleared up any doubts I had about the actual examination.

However, I am still a little unsure if we (as a club) should be testing/checking/looking at, every machine before it starts every trial.

This certainly isn't done at the moment, not by our club or any other club that I personally have ridden with over the last 10 years.

Should we check every machine at every event?

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Obviously my reply must be that machines should be examined at all events.

The organiser however will decide on the methois they use eg - call all riders to a particuilar place at signing on , check at start, visual check for ACU requirements at start line etc

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At our club trials, we have machine examinations and basically all they check is the brakes work, play in the levers, check spokes & wheel bearings, throttle snaps shut and your grips are'nt hanging off! thats the extent realy, same with the nationals.

as John said though; its up to the rider. :wall:

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  • 2 weeks later...

have to admit we do at all (i thin) our trials - my bike fails regualry (lack of maintainence :P )

putting mr ACU hat on (and as a MX and enduro club) fundamental machine examination/scruitinering is checking for ***compliamce with rules***, its ***NOT*** a ssaftey check (although most items are odly saftey related)

the onus is on the competitor to bring a safe bike to the event (its their saftey mianly) and for legal purposes that all we're doing (rule complinace not saftey)

hope that is clear - in trials IIRC they're not even liscenced

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