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Next Questions Alan!

mich lin

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Alan, loved your questions about my positions on the 125cc national championship. Thanks for asking them! Please ask me some more so I can clear up any other misconceptions about what my positions are. You also mentioned we agree on some things! What are they?

My main two guiding principles are this in a nutshell. Excellence and honesty for myself, the sport , the organizers, officals, manufacturers, importers and our best riders and national teams.!

I'm sorry if it appeared that I didn't answer questions, that was never my intension. Simply bad writing and reading skills.

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That's why you pi$$ me off Alan, you are asked strait up for clear concise questions and you come up with some BS like that.

Well, let me ask you a strait question if you won't ask me one! Why can't Mr Bill host the Youth Nationals every other year? So we west coasters don't have to do all the driving! It's thousands of miles between SoCal and the Trials training center. Why can't you guys drive one year and we the next? That seems fair!

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Politics ;) I know I'm new but come on,,yeah if you don't like whats posted on a thread,don't reply. I'm trying to learn,but you 2 and a few others seem to turn a interesting discussion into a heated debate or p***ing match!This is the "MOST" physically and Mental demanding sport in my opinion.Please!Please!try to practice the Mental part a bit for the rest of us newbees.I have nothing but respect and a great deal of admeration for youz,and envy!!!It's my understanding we are a differant breed.Can't we "ALL" just get along?? :thumbup:

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I guess that is why I do not bother discussing things with you Lane.

You ask me a question, I tell you to finish answering the ones already asked, you say I am pi$$ing you off.... Oh well.. Enough said by me.

Why does the YN not alternate between West Coast and East Coast?

I do not know. I did not set it up, and have not had the opportunity to attend the NATC meeting's to hear the discussions. I am not the promoter and so have no control, and too be honest, very little input into how that works.

I do know that the AMA Youth Nationals for Motocross is held at Lorretta Lynn's ranch in Waverly TN every year, and that when the Trials YN was set up it was patterned after that model.

As far as I know there was a West Coast YN being held by Mr. Markhem as well this year. I believe I read that in my AMA magazine this month under upcoming events.

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Half a tire right,

I think we were posting at the same time.

You have the option on your screen of turning off all the posts that I (or for that matter any other individual poster) makes.

I would say though, that you come into a post that was distinctly and clearly started by Lane, and directed to me and telling us we should not talk between us? Seems to me :thumbup: is a kind of appropriate response.

Kind of like walking into the Harley shop asking why they have pictures of Choppers and similar bikes on the wall.

Anyway, clearly, Lane and I do not see eye to eye on many things, but this type of discussion is exactly what this board is here for.

I usually just tend to try and ignore Lane's posts, but he perseveres on beating the same drum better then I, then folks like yourself and NSAGM come in new and start taking what he say's as the truth, because nobody disputes it on this board, and I get the wild hair to jump back into the fray.

Hope to see you at the World Round, come up and introduce yourself. I am the big guy that will be hanging around cabin 5 and somewhere on a hillside Fri, Sat and Sun, and probably a little bleary eyed from drinking apple juice and mountain water with those funny speaking foriegners from way across the pond.

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Alan;I have been following the "discussion" and am not in any means defending either side. I don't mean to speak for Ken but, we are trying to learn and have a long way to go!I just feel that it would be (more) informative for others and myself that join an open forum to discuss, not argue, anyway's no biggy I'll shut up,and focus on learning more.1 more thing,I would LOVE nothing more than to meet as many as possible,but Tennesee is a bit out of the budget this year,that's the only thing about Trials,every event is so damn far away! :thumbup:

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1 more thing,I would LOVE nothing more than to meet as many as possible,but Tennesee is a bit out of the budget this year,that's the only thing about Trials,every event is so damn far away! :thumbup:

And therein lies one of the major problems with Trials in the US.

Not your fault, not saying it is anyones fault, but there is a certain amount of Geography that makes it kind of moot to compare us to Europe.

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As I recall, the youth national was started bt Ryan Young as is outlined in his video and each day is in itself its own mini national.

The fact that Bill is doing the same on the left coast is great and helps make an event like that more accessable to all.

The objective is for the kids to have some fun and learn. The other activities are maybe just as important as riding.

I think the actual competition was meant to be secondary and that should be kept in mind, but the experience when a few of the kids get together just riding and playing around and following each other has benefits that are tenfold, specially when you have someone there teaching new skills and mentoring the kids.

Maybe Mich could help too!

This combined with the regular US NATC series gives no less than three levels now of competition with the HS and JR classes included.


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Alan, thanks for answering the question. Yes Bill does a west coast national with 3 days of competition but it dosn't count for the US championship. Only the 3 days at the trials training center are counted. Which makes the trip to the west coast not required for you easterners. Not once has one of your riders come out west, yet we always come to your event.

Bill has made an effort to procede with two ideas for the youth nationals. One trading off every other year so the left coast riders don't have to do the longest driving every year. It seemed like a FAIR plan!

The other idea was counting all 6 days of competition, both east and west coast, creating a series! Either plan is a good one.

I for one don't mind people jumping in on this conversation. Especally the new people in the sport, I find them refreshing, honest and full of enthusiasm.

Lastly Alan, the reason I started this tred is simple. You have made claim after claim that I refuse to answer questions. Here's your chance to ask me point blank without me being able to duck them. Put up or shut up!

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Copemech, is it really fair for anybody to define what the youth nationals are? Wouldn't it be best to leave their meaning to each individual rider? Some kids may have dreams of being national, world or Olympic champion while others may only want to have a good time. Let the kids decide!

Being honest, they need to fill the needs of ALL our kids! Both the kids who only want to have a good time and those who dream of Olympic, world and national championship glory.

For the adults in charge to neglect any child's dreams and desires is failing the next generation and the sport.

Just my opinion!

Edited by Mich Lin
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It takes two for a soap! If Alan won't do his part we have no drama!

Alan has claimed that I fail to answer questions when I'm asked. It has never been my intent to dodge any questions. I'm simply giving Alan or anyone else a chance to pin me down point blank. Again, it has never been my intention to dodge anything.

The other bone I have to pick with Alan is he stated not long ago that I claimed to be world champ! I've never claimed to be world champion, that's why I'm asking him point blank to pose these questions to me. I get the impression he is calling me a liar. Maybe I'm reading his posts wrong but clarity is more important than agreement.

If we disagree on something, fine! Let's simply be very clear on what his positions are and let mine be very clear. Then lets analize the merits of either position.

If somehow anyone got the impression I was claiming to have been world champion, I'm ver sorry. That was never my claim or intention.

My principles are simple, excellence and honesty.

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So where exactly did ABC news get their info?

And added on edit for those that do not want to click on the link, cut from this article.

Lane Leavitt is a former world motorcycle champ who blew up in "Commando." He sets up big budget tricks like ones done in "The Scorpion King," so he understands when his wife comes home battered and bruised.

Edited by Alan Bechard
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Nice clip Alan,

Of course I believe everything I read and see on tv. Nice to see the beav getting his "world champ" notariety out to the masses.

Hey Beav, another one of "your stunts" to disgrace the trials community?

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