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Retail Price For Renthal Bars In......

mich lin

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:crying: I don't remember them ever being that inexpensive , but then again I never paid for them back then. the dealer we rode for and my dad did...



And lane is your book available anywhere these days ? I'm not a hopper

and if I remember correctly it had some good basic technique in it that I

should brush up on.................

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That's the sprit Isherwood, You shameless moneybags profiteer.

ax, no the book sold out years ago, you can still buy the great Bernie book though.

Also take a look at the Ryan Young video, it's really good. I'd like to see Ryan do an expanded version of his video, taking more time with the basics and the advanced stuff.

One tip for sure, if you ever get the chance to do the James Lampkin school, DO IT! It's amazing.

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Lane; what is the full title of Bernie's book ? And a ? for my memory banks ,

When did all the hopping start ? cause I got away from trials right about the time Bernie became champ or the begining of that year... and at the time I don't recall hopping at all. And it was all slow and controled no stopping at


Glenn :crying:

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Glen, I stopped riding for nearly 20 years so I've got a big blank in my trials timeline. I have seen Bernie hop a little back in 79 without stopping! So I give credit to him, I even have it on VHS tape.

My guess is when they changed the rules from the Scottish rules or classic rules as I like to call them to stop and hop without penality. Maybe someone else can fill you in on that detail?

I don't remember the exact name of the Bernie trials book but it is available at Whitehorse press. I think it's really a better book than mine.

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