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4rt Tickover

rapid roy

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WD40 :o

You are supposed to be using contact cleaner or brake cleaner. Not saying that an air leak is your probelm, BUT if you are testing in that manner at least use the correct liquid!


BillyT :blink:

Edited by BillyT
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Fire the brake cleaner thru the supplied straw. Direct it at the area suspected.

Hardly enough to damage any parts or rubber. Hell, people spray cleaner over disc brakes in huge amounts, not condoning that but the small amounts need to test for carb air leaks is negligble.

How water works boggles my mind :o You want the venturi effect to pull any liquid into the stream water will only do that if it is dripping in as it is heavy. Any flammble liqiud will cuase a sudden lean condition indicating a leak. Water will tend to settle cleaner will stay supended in the air being drawn into the carb. The only way water could possible work if it was in a VERY fine mist and stayed atomized.

VERY small amounts in a controlled direction are required.

Lets say there is a leak, the cleaner will burn up the water will cuase problems of its own exabirating the intial problem :o


BillyT :blink:

Edited by BillyT
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just a minute here lads!.......we are not talking about one of those old carburetor jobs,

this is a fancy-dancy...computerized thingy!!!.......if more are leaks in, the injector compensates for it by putting in more gas....much like going from seee level to wayyyy up there in the mountains!

you gotta re-arrange your thinking on this!!

fast idle is preferable anyways, it makes starting easier.....once your moving it isn't noticable


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