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Requests For Results


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Can I request that the "Has Anybody Any Results?" type posts stay off the forums until at least the day after an event to give organisers some breathing space and time to sort things out.

I know people expect things faster in these internet days and Trials Central delivers that information as soon as it's available, but there are more and more postings at 4,5,6,7pm the same day of an event (sometimes even before an event has finished!) looking for immediate results. That simply isn't possible at the majority of Trials. Organisers have a lot to do and at that time after a Trial they're probably still on-site with no Internet access even if they did want to publish their results!

If it's a major event and I've not received results then I'll chase it, but I'll not start that until the Monday afterwards at the earliest as I appreciate the people I need to talk to have other work to do and other priorities. If it's there, I'll get it. Posting looking for it earlier won't make any difference!

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1ST Donna Fox 28ml

2nd Becky Cook 31ml

3rd Katy Sunter 40ml

4th Carli Sherwin 71ml

5th Kathryn Wardle 74ml

6th Niki Wraight 109ml

A Class

1st Emma Bristow 62ml

2nd Saskia Baxter 75ml

3rd Clare Taylor 82ml

B class

1st Hannah Styles 25ml

2nd Katy Bullock 47ml

3rd Emma Morphett 60ml

4th Sara Hatton 77ml

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