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  1. Original is steel w/teflon coating. This has the same except middle ‘main’pin that is now needle bearing. When I have final fitting done I will let you know. I have to make another bit of a change to clear Ohlins damper- the Ollé is smaller diameter. But that is what initial testing is all about.
  2. Yes, Explorer and TR are the same. The grease fittings are there- I used flush ones that use a ‘needle’ type end. Three of them could have ‘regular’ zerk fittings, but the one for the main pin does not really have enough room. Before I sell any, I want to make sure everything is just right. I have made some little mods. I wanted to keep as thick as possible for strength, but also need to have clearance for the Ohlins or the Olle dampers since the springs are a bit different in size.
  3. Side by side with factory, and mounted in swingarm. Dogbones are 10mm thick and original is 7mm. Plus made from Ti grade 5 vrs some sort of aluminium for stock.
  4. No, it should have very linear power. The 300 factory has a LOT of power as you run it up, but a regular 280 should be really nice ll along. I would suspect the TPS, but of course all the components work together. I suggest doing a compression test (throttle wide open, kick until gauge stops) and make sure it is good. Then get the cable (I can send software if you don’t have it anymore) and set everything up properly.
  5. I made only very minor changes and they would not be apparent at all in pictures. Like .001” dimension change
  6. BTW, I am making some slight modifications to my first version. I found I can really trust the tolerances of the company and someone gave me a good idea of a slight shoulder on the small pin. They are not big or heavy, so certainly could ship. Again, not trying to make any money here- just trying to help out. Heck, I can’t imagine making much of anything anyway, so may as well feel good about helping.
  7. I am going to order another (for my second bike). If anyone wants one, speak up now. The needle bearings I sourced were a bit expensive, I will look for less cost source (they were $50). I think $650 would cover it. With bearings, bushings and grease fittings I am not making any money at all- but just helping others out. I broke two of the original linkages, but the Ti one on my old bike is still going great.
  8. After getting the OSSA ones done- I don’t think doing one in Ti for the Cota would be that expensive. But I need one to model, then I can send files and get quote.
  9. Thanks for all the info. I will pass along
  10. That link says for mid-22 and up…does it fit 21? I have the connectors, so could easily wire up to proper connector. Thanks
  11. My old 21 Escape R apparently has had some throttle damage. I remember reading here someplace that a replacement (Domino?) has been used with good results and the quality was better (stock was not great). I cannot find it, please help if anyone knows. (Note, I no longer own the bike, just helping owner out). Mark
  12. I got the Ti linkage today. Looks great! I will test fit tomorrow- but so far everything looks really good.
  13. lotus54

    2012 Explorer

    I suspect harness. But Adrian said he never could get a diagram for those. New ECUs are around, but I would want to either replace to take harness all apart to verify ok.
  14. Update: the linkage I designed should be shipped to me in a few days. I will post up some pictures and test how it fits. If anyone wants a set (after verifying it works of course) I suggest letting me know now than after more import taxes.
  15. lotus54

    Air box removal

    I can only thing of the hole where the sensor goes in. But I would have to look at it again
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