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Posts posted by lewis_gasgas
  1. Anyone know where i can get hold of one cant spend too much money but i would like a decent one arnt bothered if it has hydrualics or not.

    Apart from ebay ( look there quite a lot for 20")

    Any of your m8s selling ?

  2. U need quite a bit of practice take it your mate johnny practices a lot ? I d say u need to be pretty fit as well because it is quite hard getting up stuff like sideways and things.

    Dont need a mint bike for starters but quite a decent one , i only have my base bike with base forks and guess what base pedals everything else is other stuff. which is a good bike and not much cash.

    I think when i start college i will be able to buy a better bike with my college funds :blink:

    Tell you m8 johnny i like the vid , you cant beat a bit of street trials down the highstreet.

  3. have pretty good balance if you mean stood on the pegs , its easier to try it on a wet surface ( might fall off a few times thought) , First time i tried it was on snow that was hilarious and i could only accomplish half a circle without coming off. :wacko:

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