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no jive

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Posts posted by no jive
  1. Hold on everyone. The result guy is stuck in the middle of somewhere. A propane truck turned over and he has been sitting in traffic all night. The reuslts will be up as soon as possible. Normally the results are up right away year after year. A couple of times they have had short delays.

    The cell and wireless connection is no good where he has been sitting all night.

    I dont know all of the details but this all I have.

  2. Some of the other games in cabin 5 besides Twister that could possibly happen (side note I wont be there)

    Truth or Dare

    Spin the Bottle


    5 Card Stud

    What happens in cabin 5 stays in cabin 5.

    Beware dont pass out in cabin 5 :banana2:

  3. Hey Ty you are no longer allowed to ride our Northern California events. You are getting too good. I love the picture over the trailer and the picture of the wheelie. Awesome. Maybe you can work on the back flip for the girl :beer: When I did a Demo in High School they kicked me out. It is best to get permission.

  4. No one has said it, but Congrats to Ishy. He placed #157. He is kind of an American. He talks funny and writes funny but he rode and did pretty damm good. And I bet he didnt drink one beer for the whole 6 days.

  5. Hi Madturk

    I live in Boulder Creek. There is a trial this weekend in Petaluma. Beginner Trial on Saturday. If you are NOT some nut case you could drive up with me Sunday morning. We also have about 80 acres off of Summit road where we ride. I usally try to ride on Sundays. Send me an email clivebelvoir@yahoo.com

  6. Sorry it took so long to get back. I think that Steve is thinking of Ken Marecak. I think he also rode the Terra Nova several times. I know a bunch of PITS members would go up there evey year.

    I can remember my Dad placed one year and flew back up for the (beer) trophy. I know it was a vey hard event to even place.

    At the start when I rode I wanted to win. By the end of the first day I just wanted to finish.

    We also stayed with the Titertons, They are friends of my Mom & Dad. Does he still ride?

  7. Watching the video on the last post made me wonder. What happened to the Terra Nova. My Dad rode the event several times (I think he went for the beer) and I rode it once with my brother.

    If I remeber correctly it was basicly an enduro on Vancover Island. The event was always on your Thanksgiving. It was about 90 miles each way and started from your property (do you still have the property?). The event was more like one long section. It was very tough.

    I think I rode the event in around 1984. I know I did not win and was very tired after the first day. But it was the most amazing ride I have ever ridden.

  8. I stole someones identity so I dont pay taxes anymore. Then I get free bikes on their credit cards. When you ride a Trial dont leave your wallet in your truck. OK Copey :thumbup:

    Ishy I have no idea what your last post was all about.

  9. like the girls in your profile pic to!

    Yeah the girls are nice. At our events every rider gets 3 girls. :D It's not easy to concentrate, but we try. We have a waiting list to get in our club.

    Sirhc the event was at the upper ranch of Hollister. This is the 4WD area. They will shut this area down if there is a motorcycle event but I talked the Rangers into letting us in with the 4WDs. Everyone was happy. Hopefully the Rangers will allow us more events

    Of course Kip was in charge of section design. So we had some great sections. By the way Sirhc where was your Uncle? I showed up to his event

    Thanks Andy for completing the link on the first post

  10. Lane is that how you won so many times. You set it up and pre rode all the sections. :lol: Sorry I forgot to name you as co-founder. I feel terrible about that.

    Copey I didnt ride. I put the event on (with lots of help) so I didnt have a chance to crash. As far as the girls, I dont have enough money to have the umbrella girls come out.

    So I hope everyone liked the pictures.

  11. Over the weekend our club (Ridgerunners Santa Cruz, CA) put on the British American Cup at Hollister Hills. My Dad started the event in 1971 and has had past winners such as Marland Whaley, Lane Leavitt, Scott Head, Kip Webb.

    One of the writers from City Bike came out and took photos and wrote a story and has it posted on the web www.southbayriders.com/forums/showthread.php?+=39474

    There are some awesome photos and a small story. They are going to run a shorter story in the magazine. It is pretty impressive what an article can do to get some attention to the sport. The writer was at an Enduro and ran into Adrian Lewis from Lewisport. Adrian invited him to come up. He spent 2 days taking photos. There is also an article for the vintage trial we had on saturday, you may have to search for it on his web site.

    Cody Webb won the event on his Sherco and Max Malsbery took 2nd on his Scorpa 4 stroke

  12. Hey Copey :D maybe we should give you a TY80 and see how many times you push it back to camp. I can remember pushing some of my bikes more than I rode them. A soon as I hit a puddle of water the bike was sure to die. Or the old Bultaco drum brakes that when got wet made you go faster down hills.

    I usually dont bring tools when I go practice. My 2006 Sherco has not let me down. General repairs made with no major problems.

    Gotta love the new bikes, I still remember the old days

  13. Well it wasnt my first event but, I was about 10 years old and riding a loop on my TY80. In the middle of the woods. My bike kept breaking down. I started to get scared beacuse I would hear noises in the woods. Finally got my bike going and a branch hit my goggles and knocked then down over my neck. I thought it was a snake, a really big snake. I through my bike down and yanked the on the snake only to find out it was my goggles. (same affect as waking up to an ugly lady). It is amazing where 10 year old mind will go.

    Now my favorite story. Riding the loop at a Donner Trial. Grateful Dead Concert going on at the next mountain. I pull on to a main road and there is a Hippie Chick walking up the road with no TOP. I then realized I was at the wrong gig. I now have a new respect for Hippie Chicks :banana2:

  14. post-1495-1168135720.jpg

    We had 3 more sales. All 3 of the Gas Gas Girls bought a copy. I had to personally go to their homes and show them how to work the DVD player. It wasnt an easy job but I am willing to the extra mile for the TDN team. This job was tougher than I thought. All 3 girls thought Hernia Tryharder was the cutiest and want to meet him.

    They were surprised that I had not sold more copies and ordered everyone to buy a copy. So send in your money and support the TDN.

  15. True to his word, Doc sent his $50.00. Thanks Doc the TDN Team really appreciates it. Doc didnt leave a clue to who he is. Doc did say to send a copy to send to someone who cant afford a DVD. So the first person to e-mail me at clivebelvoir@yahoo.com and let me know why they cant afford one, I will send them a copy, unless your name is Lane.

    Now this is coming from a unreliable reliable source. The TDN will be riding the A line. And just like me they think the Team is going to be stronger for 2007.

    Im assuming that California will get credit for these two sales so CA is ahead by one. That should make sirhc happy.

    And yes Wil does look good on the video. Cant wait for the new season. Wil I loved the video but wanted to hear the bike.

    Keep the sales coming we are starting to gain some momentum.

  16. TEXAS is in the lead. One more sale to TEXAS. That is 3 mail orders to TEXAS. TEXAS is kickin some a$$. Thank You TEXAS Forth Worth.

    Now everyone else, dont come crying to me when these DVDs are on E-Bay for thousands of dollars and you didnt buy one. :bouncy:

    Now Doc in my opinion Lane should support TDN no matter what class they ride. I have no say in the matter but my money is going to the A class. A young gun team, hungry and ready to ride. Possibly a couple of new Pro riders this year. I think will be an exciting National Season.

    So thank you everyone and hope everyone has a great Christmas and Happy New Year. :chairfall:


    PO Box 913

    Boulder Creek

    CA 95006 $25.00

    Also Doc is that another clue you are leaving :moon:

  17. Thanks Doc, You the man or the woman maybe a teenager. I just dont know who you are. But thanks for buying a couple of DVDs. You are right up there with that big time Movie Producer from Hollywood back east who bought 2 copies.

    I thought you were not going to use those little smiles anymore.

    I dont know if Lane made a payment to the youth team. He is broke right now. May lose his house and everything.

  18. Do you suppose that either Alexz or Sam realized who they were training at the Lewisport organized trials school?

    Yeah some old guy thats going bald and may have a beer gut and hoped that his money is good.

    Lane Like you said at Ridgecrest, I think we will have a strong team for next year. I really do believe we will have a strong team. Dont want to say who I think will be on the team but it should not be to hard to figure out.

    To me this seemed like an easy concept. Sell a movie that is just kind of fun (a blast from the past). Raise a little money. I dont know if the movie is over priced but everything goes to a good cause. My first thought was if every Trials riders in the USA sent 5 bucks that would solve the problem of sending our rides to TDN.

    So if you dont want the movie try to send a couple of bucks in the mail and I promise it will go directly to the TDN fund. How hard is that.


    PO Box 913

    Boulder Creek

    CA 95006

  19. One more sale in the bag. This time a highly ranked NATC official. He said leave his name out or I will be sitting on the bench with Lane. :bouncy:

    He is also a top support rider. One of his sponsers sent the check. You know how all the support riders make all the big money. This must have been part of his 2007 sponsor package. New bike, airfare to event, paid salary and oh yeah a Hernia Tryharder DVD and I will win my class.

    We also did a random drawing and Doc Holiday has won a free copy. So just send me your address and it will be in the mail. :chairfall:

    So hurry hurry with those checks only 39 copies left.

    Lane I will e-mail you on Jan. 15 to remind you to buy your copy. What ever it takes to raise the money. For those of you that have bought a copy Thanks.

  20. We are now up to 10 sales. Scott from Nevada bought a copy. Thanks Scott.

    Just in case you have not bought a copy (and you know who you are). I made 50 copies thinking this was a great idea. I thought I was the smartest guy out there. Either this movie really sucks badly, or I have bad marketing ideas, or trials riders are bunch of cheap arses or nobody really cares about the TDN too much. So prove me wrong. Every penny goes directly to TDN. The only one making money is the TDN.

    Lane bought a copy but each time it gets to the start of a section it forwards to the start of the next section.

    Lane has not bought a copy yet. Imagine that. Lets change the Trials World.

  21. We had 3 big sales over the weekend. Went to Ridgecrest to ride the event where Alex and Sam rode.

    The great City Trials bought a copy. I had to break him away from his new Indian girlfriend but he happily bought a copy. He said anything to support the TDN.

    Next sale was Scott Head our National Champion from the 80s. Scott tried out fot the SMW team in the 80s but just didnt have the required moves down.

    Then the great Hap Oswald World class rider from the 80s bought a copy. His son Harry studied the movie Saturaday night and rode awesome the next day for a 2nd place. Harry said if it wasnt for that movie I never would have rode as well as I did.

    We are up to 9 movies sold. Put your orders in now, who knows this could sell out at the rate we are going.

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