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no jive

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Posts posted by no jive
  1. This one's for 'No Jive' Clive and Kip Webb. Here's the Japanese TdN fundraiser t-shirt girl. She's selling their Japan TdN t-shirts for 3000 yen. Or 30 bucks.

    Hey Craig get her phone number.

    Enjoying the Friday and Saturaday night Trials action here in the states.

    Our shirts are only $20 bucks including shipping. usatdn@yahoo.com I am not as pretty as the Japanesse girl, so I have to try harder and sell for less.

  2. Have not seen any video but saw the real thing today. The Sherco 4 Stroke is nice and smooth. Of course it helps when you have a rider like Cody showing you how it is done. The Storz kids came up for the weekend and all had a good ride.

  3. TDN Shirts will be available at the World round in TN. You are required to buy one or could get a good beating by Copey. He will be the one wearing a TDN shirt with all of the Hooter girls around him. :banana2:

    Look for Kip or the shirts may be in a booth??? Might as well buy two shirts.

    Good Luck to all of American who are riding. I have heard about half a dozen USA 125 riders will be in the event. That is more than we have ever had. And a couple of Junior riders. GO USA

  4. Send him some of your massive sponsorship budget then :thumbup:

    I sent some of my massive budget. Well not massive but a few bucks. I feel like I got my monies worth and then some. Pats journey is far from over. You have made this years world rounds the most exciting for me.

    Maybe someone can put up his fund page again.

  5. We got our first sale from this post. Terry from PA USA sent a check for a shirt. Thank You Terry. E-mail me at usatdn@yahoo.com and let me know what size?

    Over the weekend we sold around another 40 shirts. Not really we but Kip and Fran.

    These are nice looking shirts and we hope to sell out, but we need your help. Send $20.00


    PO Box 913

    Boulder Creek

    CA 95006

  6. Nice looking bike! So when you BBQ do you use the propane or the Briquets.

    There is a propane tank right behind the bike.

    Cant trust Mark with the lighter fluid :thumbup:

    Mark put a little shine to the muffler. Everyone likes a shiney muffler, it make the tits on the Dunlop stand out.

  7. At the end of July there is an event at Donner Ski Ranch. This would be an event to make. We have had a few world rounds there. If you need a bike to ride let me know. I will either find you a bike or you can ride mine at the Donner event. I would hate to convert a Beta rider to a Sherco but if that is what I have to do. :thumbup: Let me know clivebelvoir@yahoo.com

  8. It nearly zero degrees - and Pat's riding like crap. Absolute CRAP! Pat and I got into a heated discussion on section 4, as I was trying to get the 17 year olds head in the game.

    Next time have the heated discussion before the event. A guaranteed win. Great job Patrick. It is great to wake up Sunday morning and see results. Thanks for all of the updates Craig. I have been addicted to the results.

    Great job to Wiggy also.

  9. We had a great response of SWM-NATC TDN T-shirt sales at the El Trial in Southern California over the weekend. Kip sold about 40 shirts. A few people kicked in a few extra bucks. I know a couple of clubs have bought some boxes of shirts. So sales are going good. All proceeds go directly to the SWM-NATC TDN fund.So dont wait to order your shirts. We still have some free DVDs with your order. Send a check for $20 to (this includes shipping)


    PO Box 913

    Boulder Creek

    CA 95006

    If you dont want a shirt but feel like you would like to help out you can send a check to the address above or go to www.usatdn.org and make a donation.

    As a side not Cody won the El Trial on a 4 Stroke Sherco. That is the only result that I know.

  10. No Jive,

    Would SWM happen to be the one in Pampa, TX??



    Yes Doug that would be the one. Specialty Welding Machine in Pampa TX.

    I dont know why I cant put a picture up. Dont know if I need to be TC Supporter or if I have poor computer skills.

    Jon if I see a guy in Santa Cruz with a TDN shirt I will know who he is.

    Thanks for all of the responses. A lot of work went into the shirts. You wont be disapointed with them, just ask Copey. Wish we had a Hooters around here.

  11. We now have the T-Shirts ready for sale. These are high quality SWM-NATC T-shirts (Speacialty Welding Machine). All of the proceeds go to sending our USA riders to the TDN. These riders usually have to pay most of their way to represent us. We are trying to off set some of their cost by t-shirt sales and donations.

    For $20 dollars this includes shipping we will send you a shirt. If you are one of the first 10 people to order a shirt I will throw in a DVD for FREE. Sorry I could not put up a picture of the shirt but they do like nice. Let us know what size shirt you need.

    If you can order more than one shirt we can give better pricing. If your club can buy several shirts we can give even better pricing. E-mail me at usatdn@yahoo.com for prices on more than one shirt.

    You can also go to www.usatdn.org to make a donation and read more about the TDN.

    Please send a check to


    PO Box 913

    Boulder Creek

    CA 95006

    Thank You

  12. I am pretty sure that Kip will have either some sample shirts or shirts for sale at the Sooner Cup. The shirts look good. A lot of work has gone into the shirts and I hope everyone supports them and buys one.

    And SWM just happened to support TDN. Kind of funny but it is Specialty Welding Machine out Texas

    Im glad someone finally responded to this topic.

  13. A lot of good things are happening with the USA-TDN. Here is a letter that you should find shortly on www.usatdn.org We have a sponsor. Check out the web-site, buy a DVD or donate a couple of bucks. USA is on a roll :)

    View from the point


  14. Get in there and GO for it, Ronnie! :thumbup:

    Copey it is now Ron not Ronnie.

    Good job Ron. It is great to hear that another American is going to Europe. I am looking forward to seeing how you do. Every year you ride better and better. I also think it is very important that we help send these guys over to Europe.

    I just have one question WHERE DO WE SEND A CHECK???

  15. I received my CD in the mail from RYP. Lots of awesome pictures. I like that there are folders for each rider. If you want to see picture of Florin just click on the folder ect ect. Well worth the $25

    Looks like Lewisport also is carrying the CD.

    Also I received a check for $100.00 from Lane & Debbie. Thank you very much. I will send you a DVD and get RYP to send you a CD. I hear Lane also had some input for the fundraising.

    The web site (http://www.usatdn.org/) has had a few updates such all of the past teams. Some good names on there. Also a letter from Kip.

  16. I feel much better now that I have turned over a new leaf. It makes me proud to see over 800 views and 27 responses in less than a day!

    Copey I have to admit that I viewed this post 842 times. So you really cant count the views.

    I hope your not going to tell us that this is actually a dude.

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