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Posts posted by dman
  1. There will always be those sections that seperate the top pros from the other ones. And evidently, 5 and 8 were some of those sections.

    I don't think ray was exactly sandbagging...

    ray = 2

    will = 8

    That means easy event where every point counts. Will could of got him.

    Ex- pros moved down because they don't want to get hurt and they actually want to have some fun while riding.

    You're quite biased in your blogs.

  2. No I thought it was interesting how the NETA kids fund is so similiar to the California kids program.(well sort of, but same goals)

    It is great to get more people into it, where do I say that I don't agree with that?

    I may be wrong, but I don't see many people building youth teams to win the trial de state nor do people make a big deal about it when they say they are going to the youth nationals. It wasn't there originally and was just added on as another feature, imo, to add to the atmosphere of the event. Kids really shouldn't be concerned at a young age with winning a trial de state, its more about the personal experience and building a good base to continue trials into adulthood. That's what it should really be about.

    Its just killing me to not bring up the advantages held by certain states and how that affects how legit the "championship" is, but there it is out in the open... :lol:

    I enjoyed the youth nationals when I rode them, I thought it was a bit too much pressure sometimes(brings out the soccer mom/hockey dad syndromes lol), but I guess you learn to deal with it, and overall its a great experience. Plus where else do you get to spend 2 weeks ridin trials, swimmin, campin, be on vacation, hang out with friends, and just cause trouble? :):)

  3. Aussie trials riders? Unheard of in these parts. :lol::)

    I'm not saying the cali team doesn't work hard, its just an undeniable advantage that your state is like 20 times the size of my state(making up the numbers I know) and is bound to have more trials riders in it. I liked the club championship.

    Anyways, can't wait to see all of you in TN this year, its gonna be fun as always! :)

  4. I think a lot of local clubs have done a great job sending their kids out to TN and CA for the youth nationals. Lots of money raised and more youth in the sport, its all good.

    And Bill Markem is doin a great job as well, picking up where Ryan left off with the youth lines at the nationals.

    However, I object to those silly trials-de-state things. Its just ridiculous to pit California against Massachusetts, Minnesota, or West Virginia because its all based on population, and let's face it, CA is one the more crowded states in America. So of course they will win it when the field is flooded with californians. I liked the trial-de-club better seeing as you could group your actual club together and give the smaller states a fighting chance, like the NETA won it a year or two back.

  5. Okay, but then you see, its not build quality.

    A pampera is really just a trials bike with diff gearsets and a more enduro friendly ergos. No wonder it destroyed itself in motoX.

    How many 7 foot drops do you do on your beta? 10 foot ones? ;)

    Any world guy can break a frame. Not hard when you look at what they do. And the average clubman would have to like drive off into a quarry or something to break a frame. (nevermind what happened to the guy ;) )

  6. That bike in that pic isn't a pampera, sorry, but it isn't.

    Frames don't break because of lack of maintainance. (maybe if you rub it and put stickers on there lol) I agree with the angle saw idea.

  7. Honestly, I've been around the usa to many nationals and all, and haven't seen ANYTHING like any of these pics happening. What were the circumstances behind those pictures huh? Throw it off a cliff or wall? World rider was having at it a bit too much? Inexperienced rider didn't know what he/she was doing?

    Sorry if I'm seeming a bit harsh and quick to anger, but when people pull up random photos on google saying my bike sucks well, I'm gonna say something back.

    Look at corvette's quality...


  8. I always had this question ever since the newer rev3's came out even though I ride GG.

    With the rear shock being off center on the swingarm does that result in different handling(like weight towards one side) and/or does it stress the swingarm the wrong way?

  9. No matter what you say or do, mich lin will inevitably make himself the champion of the world and keep plugging away at whatever perverted image of the natc he imagines(not possible in the usa unless there is a big ole coup de etat...

    I for one am sick of this and there is enough **** in here to fill the grand canyon. So bye and have fun mich, keep typing away and maybe you might do something while sitting on your ass.

  10. The guy wanted a response on build quality of the gas gas. I don't think its fair to have beta, sherco, and monty guys jumping in to say their 93 JT270 sucked. Why don't you let the guys actually riding the bike in question give you their opinion instead of the biased reviews by other bike owners.

    I feel that gas gas does have a great package of a bike. Small, light, powerful and its just what you want in a trials bike at highish levels of the sport.

    Those patents are on the new clutch and engine internals. These allow the gasser to use 3 plates over 6.

    I'd also like to comment on the rear fenders. The Gassers are two piece deals that if you use tie wraps or plastic bolts you can almost never break a fender. Where other bikes with the one piece fenders often snap easily and bam, you're putting down a bunch of money for some new plastic while us GG riders are laughing and putting new 5 cent tie wraps on. :D

    The only problems being stupid fit and finish things that can a be a bit annoying but hey, you can get that with any bike and they are all easily fixable. Just keep up with maintainance and you'll be fine. I assure you that you won't be breaking frames like those pics above considering you aren't doing the stuff Raga is. (OOOO can I jump in on Monty's triple clamps and frame? Remember Duluth with Lampkin?! That thing snapped like a twig so the monty must have a crap frame, be careful!!!! lol) Also remember that those sherco riders have to buy the whole muffler system really to do any repairs or repack it. Now what kind of innovation is that? My gasser is as easy as two rivets and a quick exchange and we're done. So there. Also I hear betas eat their electrical components and the hydralics are a bit sketchy at times.

    See what I mean? If you guys want to bring your crap in here, prepare to get it back. ;)

  11. Banned from competeing huh? While I may not know your point in doing so, it seems that its a pitiful attempt to promote onesself and make fun of the only body thats been holding american trials together for any signifcant amount of time. Our organization had someone like you riding champ class, when it was obvious they could barely do intermediate. Everyone thinks lesser of you for it and I don't see what personal satisfaction there is to be had. Do you want hordes of riders in the top classes like over in europe or something? Is anything sacred anymore?

    I bet that US National championship meant a lot to you back in the day then didnt it? Back in the day, but now you see fit to interfere with the reputations of natc, american trials, and so on... ;)

    No worries for me about being beat by a girl on the US Pro/Jr world championship line.
    wow :D
    now Geoff, Chris and the NATC have to worry about being beat by a girl and man will it be fun to watch!

    I don't see what the big deal is, she will probably be right up mixin it up with them. So what if she beats them? You seem to be laughing at our riders while wanting to desperatly help them. You've got to realize she has been riding the tougher lines for a longer/more intense period of time and our pro guys haven't. Maybe the pro guys are not getting challenged because we have to accomadate you on the pro line? While Geoff is the top rider, I don't see what the big deal is when getting beat by a girl. He's juggling making a living, riding, having fun, and is still on top. She has been doing what? Probably practicing, riding, and more riding. Either way, you also seem to hold some sexist views at the same time by inferring that an inferior girl such as Laia Sanz beating Geoff would emasculate Geoff and show him to be a fool or not a man/trials rider. You seem to not think that Laia could be an equal of sorts. Its a new age of trials and its one to be embraced.

    Lane, NATC is running a business so you accomadate the best/largest customer group. The rest just have to live with it/through it and make the best of it. I don't think you'll be seeing major changes anytime soon.

    I find this kind of ridiculous that every topic involving or replied to by michlin ends up turning into a NATC bashing, sherco rider praising, criticism of current riders/policies, levitt promoting revolution of michlin's making. :blink:

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