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Posts posted by dman
  1. Good question. I'm guessing yes seeing as it will probably be desert.

    But then again, last year's national in colorado, I thought I'd be riding in lush green forest. Imagine my surprise when arriving there. ;)

    It would be great to ride in a green forest in AZ though...maybe...

  2. I leave this place for awhile, and come back to 3-4-5 pages of crap.

    Now if people could be a little bit less displacing in blame, less narcisstic, and less prone to flame wars...

    Well we could have quite a discussion on trials training.

    But this perfect world of sorts is not possible I suppose, time to pack it in and go trialing in Mongolia, who's with me?

  3. Ride with people that are at your level or above. Then you find out how much more fun and challenging a training or riding day can be. Not only do you have peer pressure, but you can ask someone to spot for you too just in case. Plus nothing beats riding with friends... :hyper:

    As for everything else...


    onroad- only good if you don't cruise and if you really exert yourself

    offroad- haven't tried this for training

    trials bicycle- excellent cross trainer and tons of fun

    running- depends if you like running or not and plan to do it nearly everyday

    Otherwise, go to the gym or workout at least 2-4 times a week and that'll build up muscle strength and make the bike easier to handle. Plus it'll help your physique lol.

  4. Or cmoe to new england on a wet day and we'll show you some slippery rocks twice the size of yours. (we got bigger stones lol :D:) ) Or a little place in conneticut where there are millions of loose square rocks, nasty stuff for tires, bodies, and whatever else happens to be in contact with the ground. :beer:

    What was this topic about anyways... :D

  5. I agree with sendero. Sure we want to appeal to the larger public spectacle, but sendero nails it on the head when he says...

    We want the trickest, best performing, lightest, most reliable Trials bikes the factories and their riders and engineers can build, for the cheapest retail price possible, built for the specific purpose of riding Trials in local and national competition... and that IS what we get.

    I think that represents a lot of riders. And I really don't think that changing all of the american trials bikes around (I assume you're doing this only in the USA because the bikes themselves do not appeal to the average american rider, meanwhile europe seems to have no problems with ridership)and alienating those already in the sport by adding to the "getting your new bike ready" list a few things like take seat off, change gas tank, etc....

    If I want a trail bike, I'm gonna buy an enduro from honda or something. Not go to my local trials dealer and ask for a seat and tank.

    Lane, how does having a flat line on top give you a better chance at a three? I thought that being able to sit low would allow you to get the most out of your legs while pushing, allow you to stretch better, and be able to not only put weight on the rear wheel, but also get the bike up onto the rear wheel to get even better traction. Not to mention, how would we do the deep knee bend before a zap? Those seats would turn into quite the ballbusters. :)

  6. I agree with Sam on the bike part, not the top part at all, but we seem to be going back and forth on the same stuff again... I won't comment on that.

    I've seen a Beta Alp with a 400cc suzuki engine with trials tires (like 1998 model or something), torquey trail bike with excellent traction. Pretty much a trials bike with bigger tank, seat and looks of an enduro. Pampera like...

  7. Lane-

    I doubt any area in the USA today could support 50+ events a year. I know our max in New England is about 14 and that's with one big club doing about 3-4 events. Its hard to find trialsmasters to make the trials. Plus add in the nationals on a reg year (about 8-10) and that barely leaves time for anything else in life. Dunno how the brits do 50.... :(


    Most of that stuff is made avaliable by third parties or buy a scorpa. I don't see why we need to restrict the functionality of our VERY capable bikes to appease the general public. If someone is going to get into trials they very rarely buy new IMO, they often ride someone else's bike first then look at used bikes which are much cheaper. Then they use that till they figure out if they want to continue doing the sport and if they do continue they buy new if money allows it.

    I'd love to do an enduro on my bike, pump up the air pressure in my tires and put some heavy clothing on and hit it!

    Wayne do you see adverse affects to your bikes after doing enduros? Abnormal wear?


  8. Lines are easily solved. Split starts, section modification, more observers, and lengthening the looop. Plus some other things that I didn't mention or couldn't think of.

    As for land issues...

    Here in New England we have NETA which in turn incorporates all the local trials clubs into one organization, "loosely". Anyways, it used to be that all newbies had to join a local club. (Therefore giving them a place to ride and a "thing" to be a part of so as to promote trials). However this has changed, and while not everyone is in a club, they ride at their house or join a club when they recognize that a club= trials promos, being a part of something, and a sweet place to ride without being chased by the squirrel cops. :(

    While that may not work in some areas, you implement parts of it imo.

    Lane may have to travel several hours, but for some in the good ole new england, don't have to travel as far usually. Depends upon where you live. We like to run about 7-12 events a year locally too. From Northern Maine, to Western New York, to southern Rhode Island to Massachusetts. Not much driving there. ;)

  9. A long half mile wheelie, top gear blast up a dirt road at almost full throttle usually get my exhaust "on fire" and ususally burns up a lot of crap that gets stuck in there. Though I don't recommend the wheelie, it ends in embarassment sometimes lol, tank slapper I mean ergh... :D

    I'm not sure if that's good for my bike or not but it seems to run cleaner and freer afterwards.

  10. Mich, you got to use the modify button man and put like all three of those last posts into one post.

    I believe this thread is really just a bunch of words with no actions really taking place. You can only say something so many times. Let the current riders do their thing, its not like you choose what they do, either they go for the national wins, go all out for WTC, or ride trials have fun and then get a job. Nine pages of talk is not going to help cody, stevie, or patrick go anywhere. :D

  11. Anyone see the article on trials and scorpa 175 four stroker?

    Though cool to see trials represented in any national publication, I thought the article was rather boring. Taking one of the lower enduro editors and throwing him on a bike with the no name top scorpa rider (I've never heard of him) to assist isn't gonna turn heads. The setting being in Moab, Utah was alright, but still...

    Though I doubt any of us trials riders could really give an unbiased opinion if they hired us. Not that the writers there are unbiased or anything but errrr.... :D

  12. In the NETA series we require our riders to work or be an observer or event maker/helper of some sort for one event. Every rider needs to do this to be eligible for championship points. This usually gets each event a handful of "steady" checkers/observers. Then the rest is up to the club, family, friends, and people we kidnap... I mean persuade off the street. It does help that we have a few maybe 4-6 clubs under the NETA organization. So each club does get people to check faithfully each year.

    Anyways, then our riders do drop their 3 lowest finishes, including the worked event so its the two lowest so people can work two more events if they like. I wouldn't know what to do in other places however, because of our unique setup, we can get clubs to form the observer base.

  13. This thread has been inevitably pushed off topic by mich lin once again. Pushing more of the americans need to go to europe stuff. Please keep it to the other thread and don't ruin this one.

    I still don't think trials is like any other sport. We still got the family esk atmosphere and we don't have guys slinging insults back and forth. Though our older riders may cuss a bit at nationals, that's okay, they earned the right to say what they want lol.

    steering wheel on right side of car

    Dunno about that. Its like 125 countries on the right... 3 on the left, I tend to like the side the 125 countries are on lol. :D

  14. So we want trials to be like any other sport?

    So we can have soccer moms, hockey dads, and cuss and insult each other in the spirit of sportsmanship?

    Geoff needs to make a living and you get money however you can. I appluad him for what he does and the face he puts on trials.

  15. What events would be money events?

    Locals I don't think are possible due to the small amount of money invested just to keep them alive. Nationals... well... hate to ruin that no strings attached feeling. Or will it be events like the Ute cup or something? The problem with trials is the small amount of money already in it makes it hard to provide purses in the first place.

    Wish GG would do comercials over here though. Enough of the those Honda ones with junior all american "ripping" it up in some redwood forest with mom and pop. Lets see some splatters and zaps and blow some minds. B)

    I agree with ya mich. That will probably end up being the new and upcoming riders that force themselves into that to get to the wtc level.

  16. Well I was going up this steep angled slab the other day and didn't quite make it to the top. Tire spun... No spotters... I jumped and flattened myself out on the ground and bike galloping towards the earth.


    1.) two broken tie wraps for my fender

    2.) lost most of the top chunk of the handlebar clamp on the right side. Bike still ridable and was able to get back to the truck. Wobbly steering. :P

    I'm pretty sure the bars are not bent, but be warned all GG riders that those black clamps are kinda weak and I'm glad mine snapped when I wasn't going fast or on the bike. Replace them as soon as possible.

    Though I'm proud of the survivability of my fender and misc parts.

    1.) fender sideways (only attached by one bolt in the seat) and was bent down into the wheelwell but I just pulled it out and all it needs is some new zip ties and its fine for many more rides to come.

    2.) bars didn't snap; glad we have those fattys on there

    3.) rest of the bike had no scratches or anything even though it did some gymnastics on the way down

    I've seen other bikes like shercos and betas that snap fenders rather easily, but any GG seems to just come loose and flop about. Good on GG for that design.

    Only weak point is those clamps. :hl:

  17. Was it the FIM or NATC that decided this?

    I think the pros should get to choose. I won't judge if one of them rides the junior line, there's some nasty stuff in the full on out wtc line, but if someone wants to try it, cool.

  18. First will be loud and annoying if you're not very comfortable with clutching it 75% of the time. Plus on those older bikes, I think the first is much slower than the new ones. I know my gasser's first is very fast, but I like it cause it does everything without a shift lol. Second is probably the best for you unless your doing a big hit, long climb, or some other uber trick that involves a lotta motor. :P:D

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