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Everything posted by gaprunr
  1. Contemplating a move to South America. Are there any resources / forums / etc. that would help me determine what Trials communities exist in the various countries?
  2. Hello everyone. Long time lurker, I thought I should join and try to contribute to give back to the community that has helped me as I have been getting up to speed with our trials bikes. My better half and I started riding trials a couple of seasons ago in a local club as a way of keeping our motorcycle skills sharp in the off season. We've been bitten by the bug and I even competed in my first ever local event a few weeks ago, and had a really good time. We started with a 1976 TY250, then found a good deal on a 2003 Gas Gas TXT 280 Edition, and then last fall found an incredible deal on a 2008 Beta Rev 3 125, so we sold the TY250. We've got a fairly active local community for trials riders, and meet at least every other Sunday during the winter and most Thursday nights once the days get longer. I hoping I can help in return for the great information I have gotten from this forum!
  3. My wife and I started out on a 2003 Gas Gas TXT280 Edition, and while I had some fun it was slow going when learning. My wife then bought a 2008 Beta Rev 3 125 and it was incredibly easy to ride. The weight difference in actuality is only a few pounds, but the combination of a more modern frame design and a smaller reciprocating mass of the 125 versus the 280 makes it 'feel' 30 pounds lighter. I know this is America and bigger is better, but that isn't necessarily true in the trials world.
  4. I used one of these.. There are 5 sizes for the 5 most common bearing sizes, one of which fits the bearing on my TXT 280 Edition. Put it on the floor with the slot up , as shown in the picture. Put the wheel over it so the slotted portion end up inside the inner race of the bearing. Slide the flat ended punch through from the top, insert it into the slot and give it a couple of good taps to expand the slotted portion. Lift the wheel up and tap the punch again and the bearing pops out pretty easily. Literally took me less than a minute to remove both bearings.
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