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Posts posted by terrier
  1. My first year coming up,

    £1400 old sherco

    £500 upgrades and reliability parts purchases (lanyards, Jitsi bling, short levers, kickstart springs, carb rubber intakes, filter, mudguards etc. Further £200 on maintenance renewal of worn parts at end of year.

    £40 lubricants such as chain and filter oils, gearbox oils, 2 stroke premix, fork oils.

    ACU membership £10

    Local club membership £10

    South Western Gazette entry form newsletter 12 editions £20 per annum

    practice £5 per day

    Clothing £103 boots wulfsport + £99 clice pants + £35 wulfsport shirt +£ 80 helmet + £100 for rain coats, hydration pack, gloves, fleece gillet, etc

    comp entries £13 - 15

    travelling no further than 1 hour / 60miles for SW club comps with own trailer.

    fuel for event currently £1.10 per Ltr

    stand £35 flywheel puller £20 specialist tools

    Enjoyment factor, priceless!

  2. Hi guy's, I'm in Somerset, Uk with a 2001 290. Shes been brilliant and bulletproof last year, but after a ride today we have gear selection issues. I have a comp next weekend, so with a heads up on advice here, I can get sorted.

    The fault is when correctly up changing through the box to 30mph no probs, but will not index down through the box. It just bulks and goes firm, and the clutch is clearing ok. (In hindsight I should have tried back up to go down when I was riding) anyway, if I stopped the motor, It would go down to neutral and 1st.

    I have just gone to check the bike before posting this, and it looks like the gear change lever is not springing back, so I'm guessing a selector spring broken?????.

    I would appreciate some experienced input on likely culprit and list of probable bits and gaskets I would need so I can quickly get an order in tomorrow.

  3. Cheers bud, I've just seen a listing on ebay for an Apico AJP anodised union in M10 x 1.25, so seems s good punt. Just means I can get a new hose made without bothering to dismantle the current hose assy and have the bike unridable. The Beta Evo's use M8 x 1...........Thanks W

  4. Hi guys, looking to order a sexy custom front hose for a AJP caliper on my 2001 290 from the HEL website custom build page. Can anyone tell me the dia of the banjo bolt please to save me bleeding it down., they give me option of 10, 11 & 12mm. I'm looking at it thinking its 10mm. Many thanks, Wayne

  5. Hi hrmad, I am 40, and been road riding, never taken part in offroad activity ever. I've always enjoyed watching trials on TV, so with some spare cash I bought a second hand sherco this Easter and joined my local Yeo Vale. My first trial however was with Somerton club at 'The Beacon', and I put pride aside, and in hindsight correctly signed up for the beginners seperate route. My first foray into trials was a total success, eye openner, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Since then, I've taken part in all the Yeo Vale beginner days, but work commitments prevent me being able to get other practice in, and it's been a gradual transition where upon I've just done the Somerton Binegar trial in novice and managed to clear all but 2 sections on the day without being too intimidated.

    I enjoy the company, banter and most of all the riding without scaring myself! There you go, have fun, regards, Wayne

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  6. My Nau Power fitted better than an Airoh on me, so happy here with the cheaper option, lovely quality and spec for the price. I see Wulfsport may be launching a new trials lid shortly as shown in last week TMX.


  7. Hi Alanp, I wen't for the Fieldforce Pro Shirt in the end bud. I'm not herioc enough to take risks now. I've also got the fieldforce limb tubes for knees which are awsome. Lovely kit that moves with me. I'm not trialing for expert, just doing occasional club easy's and enjoying the company being back on two wheels from a road bike background. Yes, the shirt gets hot, I can deal with that, as used to having to work outside all week, and down southwest UK, a lot of our trials I've done so far have been in shaded woodland so not too bad.

  8. Hi bud, I'm into my first couple wobbly trial events and loving it :-) , starting the sport at 39 with a job and mortgage to worry about, so am also in the market for some low profile under shirt, protective pads just incase. Last weekend, I visited West Bay, 'Helmet City' Shop, I've tried on the Fieldforce Pro shirt, and very good it is too. On the same rack was a Knox Venture top, similar features with spine protection at £115. I'm probably getting the Venture when funds allow, didn't know I was wearing it to be honest ( may get warm in summer though ) , allows full mmovement and lightweight. All the best

  9. Recently at work, a KENT Industry rep demonstrated a hot melt staple that is zig-zag shape and is heated by an electric tool as it is allowed to melt and fuse itself accross and into the plastic accross the split. I would imagine most high end body shops would have a similar tool. The current carrying tangs are then simply snipped off flush. The split line however could then be fused by plastic welding. Just a thought whilst browsing this thread. :-)

  10. Yes, same guys, different location, dont know the specifics, except that they had in stock the exact Nau lid in the sizes and colours I was after, and the Clice pants in my size and colour which deserves a well respected thumbs up for me for having a good choice, as buying lids online is impractical due to getting a good fit.

    Im yet to do my first trial as a newbee, just kitted up now all ready. They're also stockists of ipone lubes and Sherco also. Hope this helps, their TMX advert has the contact info.

  11. And a big thanks from me, for the effort you have put in to get these daily vids out so quickly.

    As a newbee to TC, and novice trials in general, these videos have provided me with so much helpful info and given me a great insight to this awsome event. What a great week you have all had. Top job

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