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beta boy

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Posts posted by beta boy
  1. the smoke comeing out the exhaust is blue as can be

    1)head gasket does not leak plug is dry as a bone and the coolant level never drops i check it before every ride

    2)box oil is changed every 2 rides and i get out what i put in 550ml

    3)deffinatly is not that because as soon as the petrol can is empty i put oil into to make sure there is oil in there,

    yesterday at the trial i was clearing it out every section so she wouldn't clog up the blue smoke was nothing ive ever seen before it must of been a bad batch of fuel or something im gonna get some more a747 oil see if that makes a difference.

  2. i only replace them as they are cheap and i carnt be asked to clean em the problem is only recent since i chaged to castrol tts as it is what i run my 50cc road bike on. before i used ipone fully synth at 100:1 that was great basicly smokeless and smells of strawberrys but i cant buy it from anywhere anymore, and before that i used castrol a747 at 100:1 with no problems but it is so expensive could the chage of oil be the problem

  3. had a trial on sunday and my bike was smoking like hell like i was running it 25:1 or something it had done it the trial before that as well it's terrible cause as soon as i give it a bit of throtle it leaves a massive cloud of smoke behind me people are starting to get anoyed with me.

    i run 100:1 on castrol tts so 50ml of oil to 5l of petrol. i also use a metal fuel can so the fuel aint dodgey and a put a new plug in every 2 trials or it wont start first kick which is anyoing. so any ideas as to what it could be

  4. whats the carter side of the engine. ill give you a list of things that have been done recently to the engine.

    new rubber boot from airbox to carb new inlet manifold gaskets and stuff new reeds as one of them had a corner mising new crankcase gasket aswell cause the otherone use to leak oil. also had a new base gasjet on the cylinder

  5. it is nikasil, and thats what im talkin about gasgas hoe it done how much does it cost to have that done it has no scores in it or flaking of the nikasil but it has lost compresion sice i first got it. does that mean i just need new rings

  6. ive allready found out about oversize pistons for the beta they are easily avaliable, and apart from the rebore the work will be done by my dad and he's paying for it as he is two tight to get me a better bike and i have no trouble doing sections on my bike.

  7. my techno has started rattling recently im gonna sort that out but at the same time what else should i do, i dont think it has ever had a rebore the previous ownere certainly didn't neither did the second cause ive spoken to him and the origional owner on the reg document i no and he replaces his bikes very often. do you think it needs a rebore or just a new piston and rings. should i do the mains and the big end. do i have to send the crank somewhere to have the bigend done or can i do it myself

    any sugestions would be great

  8. the engine does not come out from the left it drops out from the bottom you have to take the bash plate off. and when you go to take the skid plate rubber off if it is stuck on give it some gentle heat and it should come off without taking all the paint off like on a freind of mine's techno

  9. on my techno i had helicoils put in the sub frame, and one day i was putting my sub frame back on put the bolt in and as i was doing it the helicoil was comeing out. do you think it would be a good idead to put a bit of super glue in at the same time to stop this from happening

  10. well all a buggered ring will do is lose you power your engine is 2 stroke and that is why you use premic cause it lubes the bearings and ring unlike a 4 stroke where you have oil seperate in the engine

  11. those are the apico ajp relica levers i got em but the shorty version there are two down sides to them though.

    1.they are like glass they snap easy so keep your master cylinders a bit lose so it can move when you fall

    2. they come in this crapy goldy finish that looks out of place but for the money there good

  12. well get that ***** out know that aint even gearbox oil it's 4 stroke engine oil. you need proper gearbox oil i was recomened pj1 light clutch tunner by BVM moto and people i know with beta's it has basicly got rid of my dragging clutch and you will need 550ml of oil on there or youl get it spraying out of the breather. hope this helps you

    here is the link for the oil http://www.bvm-moto.co.uk/oilsetc.htm#pj1

    BB :D

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