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Everything posted by dirtrider86
  1. Hey all, so I am about 250ish lbs with gear. Hoping this is the correct place to ask for correct gear. So I am wondering if I should upgrade my springs to something stiffer. I do trail ride on the trials, but its usually super rocky. I train in there so I can develop some balance and force myself to stand up. I have a feeling stiffer springs would be very beneficial for my weight, but asking for opinions? This is essentially what the terrain looks like. And if I should invest in Trials boots vs the MX boots I have now?
  2. Hey guys! So, just picked up a 300 txt trials gasgas. Was hoping for a 250 but got a good deal on this 300. So far I love it. for the last 3 days, been working on static balancing so I can start progressing into front hops Today, I just went trail riding on what some would call "hard enduro" pretty much all rocks. Really trying to get the feel of riding on rocks and also practicing slow moving over the rocks without putting a foot down. Very hard to do ha. I would essentially ride my 2 stroke down it, but sitting down with a leg out, trials is forcing me to stand so very different feeling. Eventually I would like to navigate the same trail, stop static balance, continue to roll on etc. That is my goal right now, so just looking for some advice! What should I do, what should I practice? Is riding on those harder enduro trails on a trials still beneficial even? I cant clean it with a trials since im always dabbing and losing balance. Thoughts?
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