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Posts posted by esuark
  1. Oh for the simple days when it was all about making progress, one dab, one point, two dabs or as many as you needed, three points and if the front wheel spindle stopped moving forwards, five.
    Sections had as many routes through them as you could find, you'd make your own decision which part you thought would be the best bit to get you through, no flags of various colours pinning you in. Walking the section and picking the route you deemed the best, learning from the better riders what would afford you the best grip..... it was the best of times.    :agreed:

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  2. not sure how the above remark is intended,but for myself I`m interested otherwise I would not read this forum or have signed up for ORRe and as with all things make up my own mind right or wrong from there.....

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  3. Had a friend who hated people saying Wickes’s instead of Wickes, eBay drives me nuts where everything is either "rare" or has been previously "brought" instead of bought. If it`s that good he could have the minimum starting price because the punters will always push the price up to where it belongs if it`s that good. An auction isn’t it?

    Ooops cocked up there just noticed it`s a Classified Ad... ah well...

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  4. probably teaching the converted it usually helps to give the puller a tap on the end once its done up tight,doing this when taking a car hub off once it all shot across the garage hitting the opposite wall.

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  5. If that is Geoff can't be sure I remember him and his dad Ray? from my days with the tenterden and district motorcycle club. 93 would be about the time when I stopped riding and am sure then he rode a matchless red tanked and winged M. once while spectating at a trial I sat on this bike whilst he inspected the section and couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size of it compared to my then beamish.he was also kind enough to give me a manual for a 4 speed bultaco I had at the time which was much appreciated.

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