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Acu Licence Money

the addict

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Great explanation of how things work at the ACU John, enlightend me for one. Can you give a run down of what happens to all the tenners that go into the kitty via the licence and how the money is distributed back into the sport and what for.

Edited by Betarev3
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By the time the ACU send out a hand book to every trials rider, I shouldn't think there is an awful lot left out of the original tenner we pay. Now- road racers etc pay a lot more for their licences than we do for our registration.

I wonder who is subsidising who?

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Pete, just what I thought, a tenner to process the licence, make the thing, send it out with the book, does nt add up really does it. Alot of people say the ACU dont do enough for the sport but it looks like we are ourselves not helping to fund it, no funds no help surely.

On the point of Road Racing not sure how that covers much buy itself for the

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I am fairly sure there will be quite a lot of posts on " Where the money goes etc"

Please accept that I am not trying to duck issues - but other than the acounts sent to all Centres - there will be many that believe that Web or paper etc is not the place where financial details need to be debated.

There are many reasons for this - however - I will declare that I am sitting on the fence on this one - and I "think" that the time is fast approaching when a lot more clarity will need to be given to all our riders/members etc. However I am only one Director and it would not be appropriate - for me to take such decisions - as it needs a lot more discussion etc - and it is already often discussed - so please just a little more time on this one.

There are however some fairly simple things that can be explained - without fear of commercial interests etc - and this post is one of them ( so thankfully do not have to start on a too negative approach)

Trials riders pay

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So actually John there isnt much money to play with in the first place? not something i had realised in the past. Lets say I would like to see the ACU help out some of our top youth riders with funding or even our top up and coming adult riders, would i be correct in thinking the ACU just does nt have the funds available. Would there be a way of us being able to contribute to things like this happening in the future through our sport.

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perhaps you can tell me John -

why is trials different to other disciplines in having a levy and a cheaper licence? - surely it would be easier to have one licence system.

up here in 'gods country' the ScottishACU run a different system and we have to pay

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The ACU handbook is costly to produce and expensive to mail out, I've had one sent to me for the last 4 years but never once picked it up and read it! :D What about the families that have 2 or 3 ACU members living in the same household, do they get one each? If yes, that is simply a waste of time, money and paper (save a ******* tree or two...) :D

I would be quite happy to sign a disclaimer on my ACU trials registration form, requesting my copy of the "Trials" bit to be emailed out to me and any funds saved to be spent on Youth riders etc.

Surely, sending an email out requesting a 'read receipt' would cover the legal beagles perspective?

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Whilst were on this subject and picking up on what Betarev3 said, wouldn't it be possible to have 2 registration cards of different colours. one of the normal orange at the said tenner and one in another colour for say

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There is a danger of dividing up into lots of threads here - so I will try to sum up popints made.

I am not going to play the ACU hat on card - and state ACU has no meoney to help youth etc - what I hope I have shown is what happens to the " Registration Fee" - which was the question. There is still the money collected from the levy - or licence ( other facets).

As with all things money - it is now a question of dividing that amount up - and setting priorities. Money is set aside to help train youth riders - as it is for Team participation, etc - but also of course we must pay our corner in the respect of administration, legal fee's, postage, phone, electric, meetings, reprersentation in land access matters, overseas stewards etc etc etc - and as stated I will try to return to sme of this in future.

So - no - it is not true to say the ACU has no money from Trials etc - but it is true to say that there is no huge bottomless pit. It is 100% not true to say that our Trials money goes to support Road Race etc. It is true - as with every one of us - that we have to make decisions about priorities etc. It is also true - that it is impossible to please everyone - as these posts have shown before. Something someone thinks is a high priority - may seem less important for others who have a different persopective - and so it comes down to trying to achive a balance. I will try to return to this in the future.

Re - Licence or Levy - very good debatable point - and if you wish we can expand on this.

Basically in our Trials - the more you ride - the more you pay. Ok that may not always be the best way of raising revenue - but we think it is the fairest - but this has always been a debatable point.

It does allow eaase of entry into our side of the sport - and it does allow someone to dig out the bike and ride a few times a year without two much cost.

I suppose it comes down to what is the best 100 licences at

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would it not be possible to send out only the relevant parts of the acu handbook to the riders competing

in there relevant disciplines, eg trials section to trials licence applicants and so on, i must only read about

10% of the handbook meaning nearly 90% will never get read, still the same number of books going out

but well over 75% less raw materials used and maybe even a saving on the new postage charges!

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