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Another Venue Bites The Dust


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Set of to go practising today,we went to a place near silsden,i think its called rough holden farm,got there and there was a big sign up "sorry,no bikes till further notice".

A bloke came to speak to us and said the landowner had been spoken to by the local council,not sure of the ins and outs but it seems another nail has been knocked into the coffin of trials...Bummer! :thumbup:

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this is getting very serious some one needs to do something??? i dont know what??? but some one please come up with some answers!!!!!I wish i was clever enough to think of something!!!! it has been said buy your own land, but it looks like it does not matter if you own the land or not if some one wants you off they will get you off!!!! it bloody stinks

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this is getting very serious some one needs to do something??? i dont know what??? but some one please come up with some answers!!!!!I wish i was clever enough to think of something!!!! it has been said buy your own land, but it looks like it does not matter if you own the land or not if some one wants you off they will get you off!!!! it bloody stinks

I dont understand it either.I also thought all you needed was a bit of land with the owners permission.The thing that bugs me about this particular venue is that not many people used it.I`ve never seen more than 5 bikes up there(exept when a trial is on),but theres always sombody who moans about noise and ruins it for every body.

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It's probably not complaint's but the amount of days per year the land owner is allowed to use the land for other purposes, yes someone could inform the local council and bring the amount of days used to their attention, or it could be the council themselves doing their own policing.

To use the land for the sole purpose of motor sports requires planning permission, this defra move sure was a shrewd move by the government to further restrict land owners to what they can and can't do with their own property.

I can't see any change at all in the ruling, as this would open the door for all sorts of complaint's, they dangled a $ carrot in front of the land owner, and I would think most took it, kind of foolish not to, now their hands are tied, the small print and wording probably didn't help them understand the full pro and cons of what they were letting themselves in for, but even then, trials practice and event's is not going to match what the Government is offering, at best it looks bleak.

Is trials classed as recreation, is hiking classed as recreation ? if so how many day's per year are hikers allowed to hike through the farmers land?

could it be some forms of recreation are discriminated against more than others, I think it will be some form of lawyer talk bit like the race card that may save the day, but don't see the "well we rode there for 50 years without any complaint" cutting it.

They pulled a fast one and I bet they are right proud of it, job's knackered.

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Just a thought, when milk quotas came about, farmers would sell their quotas to other farmers, also companies and even countries sell their pollution quotas.

My thought is! if farmers are given a quota of 14 day's that their land can be used for none farming purposes, why can't those who's land isn't any good for trials or any other motor sports trade the day's same as they did with the milk quotas ?

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Maybe we should be hitting back abit/playing them at their own game, if as Ishy says hiking/walking etc is counted as recreation like bikes applying the 14/28 day rule to them might make them think. This seems to be getting alot worse this year, loads of places closing down all over the country, if were not carefull or try to get something done quickly we might find events like the SSDT,Reeth,Scott etc might turn into 4 laps of 10.

No easy answers, but before we know it there may be next to nowhere to practice or hold an event.

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If were not carefull or try to get something done quickly we might find events like the SSDT,Reeth,Scott etc might turn into 4 laps of 10.

The writings on the wall and apathy within trials is abundant! I will never do the SSDT myself (come to my sense's) but I certainly wouldn't want to see it disappear!

The mounting threats to trials is something I would like to get my teeth into but for me the timings all wrong, when I retire in 5 years then I would have the time to get stuck in. Whether that will be too late I just don't know. :thumbup:

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this is getting very serious some one needs to do something??? i dont know what??? but some one please come up with some answers!!!!!I wish i was clever enough to think of something!!!! it has been said buy your own land, but it looks like it does not matter if you own the land or not if some one wants you off they will get you off!!!! it bloody stinks

I dont understand it either.I also thought all you needed was a bit of land with the owners permission.The thing that bugs me about this particular venue is that not many people used it.I`ve never seen more than 5 bikes up there(exept when a trial is on),but theres always sombody who moans about noise and ruins it for every body.

call me thick but your only aloud to use a bit of land for 14/28 days (outside national parks) without planning permission (don't get me started on all the other legal niceties one should fulfil)

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