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No Tdn Men's Team!

steve fracy

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In a press release just issued today, the CMA has decided NOT to send a men's team to Spain for this year's TDN. This decision was made after it was made public that Wilson Craig had not been picked for the team for the second year in a row! This was such a shocking thing! Not only is he one of the top two rider's in Canada, he is also one of the best in North America. How could someone who has won a US National NOT be picked!

The amazing thing that has happened, is the support from his fellow rider's. After the selection, Ryon Bell made it clear that as a result of the selection, he would not compete this year! As well, Will Duggan, the current Canadian Champ, also through his support into the ring and has refused to compete this year as well!

The CMA has sighted the "poor sportsmanship" of these rider's the major reason why we are unable to field a team. They have neglected to explain to anyone yet how they came to their decision. If you are interested in reading more about this, go to www.trialscanada.com

Cheers, Steve

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I tried to get into the forum or discussion on the board you have but all it let's me do is post a email comment.

I would like to hear from Mr. Craig for some insights to what he believes is behind this? I started a thread on trialscomp also on this matter.

Steve, I believe you are doing the right thing, raising awareness and debate on a corrupt process.

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Wow! 254 views of this topic! I'm a little surprised that there hasn't been more comments on there though! Especially from our home and native land!

Thanks to Bob, it's now front page on this site too.

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In regard to the report by Bob Johns, there seems to be a bit of a mix up at the beginning of the report - It was Wilson Craig who got the notice from CMA not Will Duggan - At least that is the way I heard it, and it was the fact that Wilson Craig did not send the required $100 deposit with his letter of intent, that was the reason for CMA throwing out his application.

Whatever the reasons, it is a black mark on Canadian Trials, as all these lads deserve to represent their Country. I've no time for petty politics.

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The CMA are not only screwing the men over, but the women too.........as I heard from one of the women this weekend. .............

The C.M.A. is an embarrassement to not only the country but to the worldwide trials community.

I only hope that the F.I.M. starts asking the C.M.A. a few questions when they see, no mens team entered in the TDN. Only problem is the FIM will only ask the one person who seems to be the cause of all these problems in Canadien trials.




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I have many great conversation's with lot's of folks on both sides of the border about our predicament up here! I want to be clear about one thing on this topic. Although I do not agree with the decision the CMA made to leave Wilson off the team for the second year in a row, I do not intend to start bad mouthing the CMA. I believe we are entering into a historic period in our country with regards to our sport. Things have not been very good with our National series for some time, and the problems facing our TDN team and it's selection have now also been made apparent.

It's time to go forward and re-build the foundation of two vital parts of our programs. I have heard from people in trials clubs from every region of the country, except Ontario. This week I well be sending a formal letter to the Ontario association to join with the rest of the country to work together and then make a formal proposal to the CMA to help work out problems and hopefully start a partnership similar to the NATC/AMA. Thanks to email and the online efforts of this site and other's, I can keep everyone informed with our progress! This way, an open forum can be continued regarding this subject! We only have something to gain from all of this!

If we do find ourselves faced with a stalemate of sorts and are met with resistence to the plan, we may have to count of support from clubs, associations and governing bodie's from other country's. I believe that a Canadian Trials Council would have a lot to offer All the clubs and especially the CMA if we were allowed to work together!

Cheers, Steve

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Governing bodies!! the fact is Steve, the FIM can only recognize the official governing body of each country, Road racing, MX, touring and all other motorcycle activities are involved and sadly trials is well down the pecking order.

I see Wilson not getting on the team nothing more than a political move and nothing to do with his riding ability but more a way of getting the east side of Canada represented in the TDN, one small area of such a large country, BC!! has all the good riders.

I think the answer for all this is in our own area, PNTA!! we have the best riding locations in the country many of the best riders, the PNTA series along with each individual club within the PNTA group we have an option to ride an event every weekend, no other place in Canada or the US has that option.

Now what we need to do is expand those options even more, with a PNTA classic/vintage series of five two day rounds and a true youth series championship, keep in mind the area we are talking about is a lot larger than most countries who dominate the trials world.

Steve, why frustrate and burn yourself out when everything you need is on your own doorstep, the governing bodies run the nationals how they see fit and choose the teams the same way, they also look very foolish pulling moves like they have in their choice of TDN team which led to withdrawing the whole team.

We can participate in US or Canadian nationals if and whenever we want without burning bridges, let them get on with it and let us worry about our own neck of the woods, because the grass is greener on this side of the fence in this case.

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Ishy - You have probably hit the nail on the head re: the Politics - However If the riders want to change things, and I for one would like to know just how many Trials riders are members of the CMA in Canada. - The way to go about change is to stack the CMA board with Trials riders - If they really are running the Association in a democratic way - let the votes do the talking - all the rest of this uproar will only cause high blood pressure.

On the subject of more Western events, I think thats where we should concentrate our effort. This year we had a very successful Outlaw Series for both Classic and modern bikes - Even though it only covered Alberta & BC ( an area that could swallow up Europe) - not too many riders did all three events. We are living in tough economic times, and in case you didn't know it Trials bike sales are down World wide - the cost of gas and other things has made a lot of riders think twice about travelling, especially from Canada to the USA. - aye Outlaw Dave

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Good on ya Dave, By using the PNTA rounds for a classic series we could maybe attract a few more out of the woodwork, riders of Steve's and my ability should have no problem riding twin shockers in the Advanced class, and the morning lines should open a few doors for the old TL125 crew.

All this would do is add a little bit of paperwork to events that are in place and well known.

What ever happened to four lads four bikes two running two iffy two sleeping bags and a case of beers setting off at midnight fri night to go to the pnta rounds, it's still the cheapest motor sport on the planet, look at Billy D, he sets off to the other side of the USA with $10 in his pocket and still manages to get home with $8.99 change :)

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you of all people know why I am spending my time an energy on this whole thing! I love this sport, and I see something that could be much better and make things much more fun than it is! It's our passion for the sport! The time has come to finally try and bridge the gap between East and West in our country! With the aid of computers, now it's so much easier!

That doesn't mean that I am not with you also in all your ideas with the PNTA. Especially a youth series. I would like to try and help you out with it next year if you like. I figure if you can do one day of the weekend, I can do the other! Always glad to help as much as I can get away with, without becoming single again!

Cheers, Steve

PS. I could write a best selling book on travelling accross the country and back with no money!!

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