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Gino Rea


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Yesterday whilst a few of us were having a play at Tonymoto's a young lad came across to have a chat with us and to see what was going on.

It was Gino Rea who was taking time out to do a bit of pre-season training before he belts his way around Europe in the World Supersport 600 class.

"So do you fancy a quick go was the question"

"Alright then - I'll give it a try!" was the response.

We watched as he faultered out on way around the arena and he was soon clearing the climbs and the steps and with some ease too - He was riding with great confidence.

When he came back in I asked him how long it had been since he'd ridden a trials bike.

"It's my first go ever - great fun isn't it?" was his geniune reply - we were all gobsmacked!

He thought that having a go would be good for his training, a point that we're hoping that he'll express to the rest of the riders in the paddock during his seasons racing.

I've seen him on a MX bike which he can fling around with the best of them, I've seen him in action doing Supermoto, which he can slide practically everywhere, he took a win in the final race of the European Supersport 600 last year, and now watch out - when road racing has battered him up - he may just be clearing sections near you!


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I know a lot of riders from other disciplines use trials as a form of good training, it was just interesting in watching Gino as he'd never ridden a trials bike before and he was doing some pretty advanced stuff especially for a novice.

On another note, I'm doing a photo shoot and piece with a couple of journalists from Fastbikes Magazine on Tuesday along with Steve Saunders. The magazine is UK based and is aimed at the sports bike crowd. They've asked us to help out and show their readers how trials and off-road riding can improve their on-road skills. Steve will be putting them (along with Tonymoto and I :D ) through our paces and hopefully it will be going into print in the next couple of issues. Steve will be bringing down a couple of his new Beta's from his training school and introduce them to the sport. It's promising to be a good day out and it'll be interesting to see what they'll make of it.

Edited by YoYo
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