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Hi im Mick from west Yorkshire, Ive just got myself a TY175 after not having one for about 10-11 years and ive picked up a TY50 single seat for my 9 year old boy to start out on. Never thought I would get back on a trials as im parlysed bellow the knee both legs and have a cobalt chrome hip. But with the miracle of carbon fibre wrapped around my lower legs and a good pair of boots im going to give it another go because I cant really play football with the boy so ive got to do something to get him outside with me, kids today.

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Thats determination, I've got a quick question, what about gear changes and brake control? Secondary lever for the rear on the bar?

Sorry to be a bit personal, if you feel its a bit too personal and/or dont want to refresh memories, dont answer... and i'll understand, but what happened?

Wishing you and your son the best of luck in the sport and hopeing you have hours of happy riding together!



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Degenerative muscle wasting condition (type of dystrophy), I have no muscle mass bellow the knee so cant move ankle at all, my foot will just hang there. Its also in my arms and hands, mostly affects my thumbs, cant use them very well and my wrists are very thin but my fingers seem to have a plenty of strength so hanging onto bars is not too hard.

It dose not usually put people in a box but its not unknown if it reaches the diaphram or heart. I decided to go for the trials bike now as I have been told its progressing up my legs and maybe it could put me in a chair so I want to get best use of my legs while I can still use them.

At the moment I use carbon fibre splints that hold my feet in place and stop them just hanging there so I can walk around. The medical physics and engineering people are wanting to make me splints that go right up past my knees but I want to delay that as long as possible as the more you are splinted the harder it is to keep any muscle mass.

For gear and brake work I move my whole leg, its not ideal in some situations but I seem to do fine, ive got to get use to it all again now though having not ridden for a lot of years. Ive worn splints of various types since I was about 15. It was not the muscle wasting that made me give up riding before it was a busted hip joint (doctors missed it when I was young). I had that resurfaced (not replaced its different) in 05 and the cobalt chrome is meant to be pretty tough stuff so the hip is pretty good now it used to be too painfull to even stand.


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