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Leaking Problem


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Hi, Samo.

I did these mod last week and I think leakage has stopped. I don't need to close fuel valve when I stops the bike.

But I'm not sure at all, because I have not tested enough.


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Thanks mecajental, I want to do it today, but got to big tubes..4mm it should be 3mm. I'll send a report when I do it.

I saw your pictures on " Introduce yourself"..very nice. You live in the right place..


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Samo, before starting your mod, take account about a detail.

This is the failure I found:


The left air vent was strangulated by the exhaust.

I mount a spring on the new hose to avoid it:


This is the mod I did. It's a temporary solution because I have not suitable T connection.



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I'v made this mods today ( puting together atmosheric pipes ) but problem is still here. Carburator leaking as bevor, maybe even more:(( ( can not post pictures, I'm not a supporter...)but I made it exactly as here Billy wrote:http://www.ntxtrials.com/web_newsletters/RCR0106.pdf

So only solution for stop leaking is drilling?

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I'v made this mods today ( puting together atmosheric pipes ) but problem is still here. Carburator leaking as bevor, maybe even more:(( ( can not post pictures, I'm not a supporter...)but I made it exactly as here Billy wrote:http://www.ntxtrials.com/web_newsletters/RCR0106.pdf

So only solution for stop leaking is drilling?


Picture of my no working mods.:


We don't have here inches. Bill wrote 4,5 and6 inches has to be the pipes long. I cut it 10, 12,5 and 15cm long..This is not exact length. Maybe this is the reason that this mod. don't work on my bike?

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Samo, I have seen your pictures and I think the common pipe is not all right. This pipe needs to be higher than the others pipes in order to get that a possible leakage from one vent returns by the other vent.

This may be your problem only if the fuel leaks by these common pipe, but not if leaks by the bowl vent.


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What about your bike? Is leaking stopped?

By the moment there is no leakage, but I didn't proof enough with several tilting modes. I only detect a little drop at the end of the pipe I connect to the bowl vent.

I turned carb. also a bit to the right to avoid left air vent to be squashed. Is this wrong maybe?

I dont know, but as the bowl vent is at left hand I think there woldn't be problem in turning carb to right hand.

I'll do the drilling mod. in this days. It isn't so difficult.

I would like to do the drilling mod too, but I have read that, in some cases, the engine fails when the bike goes down.


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Before drilling I'll try to adjust the brass tangs to corect level and drill hole on the bottom pipe to stop siphoning efect.

Have somebody picture of pinched pivot pin(Billy T.)I don't know how to do this corectly.

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